Stephen Harper's Economic Policies Are DANGEROUS For The Nation!
If you listen to Stephen Harper, only he can be trusted with the Canadian economy. Nothing could be further from the truth .....
"What I am telling you is that with the NDP and Liberals, what you see is what you get; dangerous ideas and vacuous thinking that would reverse all of the progress we have made."
Stephen Harper
August 18, 2013
Would he please explain why he has run up the largest deficit in Canadian history AND why he used $114 Billion tax dollars to bail out Canada's huge Chartered Banks????
-Stephen Harper is ALL ABOUT corporate welfare!
Posted by
The Mound of Sound |
11:10 am, August 19, 2013
Now he needs prorogation of Parliament again. He does not want his vacations interrupted.
Posted by
LeDaro |
2:31 pm, August 19, 2013
Hear hear.
Posted by
Some Old Guy |
5:13 pm, August 19, 2013
What about the fact that the North is STILL unpopulated and underdeveloped!
Posted by
Canadian Patriot |
6:10 pm, August 19, 2013
Conservatives tell the big lie, they have never been fiscally responsible. In fact they do the opposite in order to promote the idea government is useless except for war fighting.
Posted by
Steve |
10:04 am, August 20, 2013