Israeli Leaders Fault Bush on War
Baltimore Chronicle
“There is increasing evidence that Israel instigated a disastrous war on Lebanon largely at the behest of the United States. The Bush administration was set on crippling Hezbollah, the radical Shiite political movement that maintains a sizable block of seats in the Lebanese parliament.”
FPIF Article
Baltimore Chronicle
Margolis Article 1
Margolis Article 2
Whooee! BuckyBoy, yer right as rain. Even when the dust-up was goin' at full throttle, I was readin' the comments section an' the op-eds over t' Ha'aretz. Even 2 or 3 weeks ago, there was quite a few Israelis who seen that this was their Uncle SammyBoy pullin' the strings. Now that they fell on their stoopid faces an' lost the war against a few thousand ragtags without any heavy weapons, the Israeli public needs t' blame sumbuddy.
I see that Pryminster Omelet is throwin' eggs at his predecessors on accounta they knowed the hezballers was gatherin' up rockets an' din't do enuff t' defend the homeland. Horsepuckey, sez I. The Israelis an' the Yanks planned this here thing 'bout a year ago. They knocked the chip offa the hezballers' shoulders an' fought by choice - not by necessity.
Most everything the BushMan an' his think tank buddyboys've done has been complete disaster. What's got me worried is the way our own King Steve bows an' scrapes an' does Dubya's biddin'. Purty soon, it'll be Canajuns askin' the selfsame questions them there Israelis is askin'.
Yores trooly,
Posted by
JimBobby |
6:54 am, August 22, 2006
jimbobby you gotta great website and you are always welcome to put your feet up on Buckdog's coffee table for awhile - anytime!
Posted by
leftdog |
8:00 am, August 22, 2006