Harper Will Address the Nation -Special Broadcast on Sept. 11
Things are clearly NOT going well for his Conservative government in their war.
'Taliban cannot be defeated' - O'Connor
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I hope that broadcasters will also give time to the opposition parties to respond.
Posted by
C4SR |
3:17 pm, September 08, 2006
Gee, I sure hope he doesn't go on at the same time as his mentor Dubya.
These people sicken me.
Posted by
Hishighness |
3:45 pm, September 08, 2006
Oh good, a bunch more stupid Harper quotes that we can use in our blogs and comments. Expect him to talk about the "War on Islamic Fascists". That's the latest catch phrase coming from his republican masters.
Posted by
Psychols |
6:09 pm, September 08, 2006
"That's the latest catch phrase coming from his republican masters."
Republican masters! Priceless!
Harper oughtta get his tongue out of Bush's xxxxxxx for one second. It's important to mark September 11 as a tragedy but we all know Harper is just going to use the occasion to trump up support for his military budget.
You're right hishighness, this is sickening.
Posted by Dylan | 6:45 PM, September 08, 2006
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Posted by
leftdog |
10:02 pm, September 08, 2006
Hmmm... what's wrong with this picture.
I see comment moderation is on, I see a blog policy that states "*Note: Abusive and Profane language will be deleted!"
Then I see this quote from dylan
"Harper oughtta get his tongue out of Bush's XXXXXXX for one second."
I guess the policy is another double standard, if your a leftie say what you like, if your on the right expect heavy censorship.
9:55 PM, September 08, 2006
Posted by
leftdog |
10:05 pm, September 08, 2006
sometimes life isn't fair.
Posted by
leftdog |
10:10 pm, September 08, 2006