1 in 4 Americans Believe Jesus Will Return in 2007

Associated Press Poll - “One in four respondents, a full 25 percent, anticipates the second coming of Jesus Christ in 2007”
I know that I run the risk of offending millions of people with what I am going to say in this post. I don’t care. The fact that 1 in 4 Americans, a full 25% believe that in the year 2007, Jesus Christ will return to the earth in a ‘Second Coming’ with trumpets and angels singing IS ABSURD! - IT BORDERS ON THE RIDICULOUS!
Who are these 1 in 4 persons? Who are you? How can you be so completely and utterly IRRATIONAL?
No wonder that an idiot like George Bush is the president of the most powerful nation on earth! When a quarter of your population is certifiable, should we be surprised?
-AP Poll
-25% of US adults are pathologically insane
-Here is what 1 in 4 of your fellow citizens believe will happen in 2007.
-The ESSENTIAL MESSAGE of the Fundamentalists
Image courtesy www.eborg2.com
I'm sure He will come!
ETA: July 6th, 2007
Country of landing: USA
City: Crawdord, Texas
Come to think of it, that 25% consists probably of the same people who are still supporting the twig.
It's conceivable that Jesus is a year late for Bush's 60th birthday since the religious right always had trouble counting....
Posted by
Erik |
11:27 am, December 31, 2006
Oh dear, believe it. They're all over the place here, I'm surrounded.
Personally I do hope he shows up in '07, I'll be waiting with a loaded shotgun.
We are waiting on the '08 election to make a final decision on moving to CA...can't take much more of this.
Posted by
Not Your Mama |
2:04 pm, December 31, 2006
Hehe...wonderful post! Great minds think alike (or at least troll the same news sites)!
Posted by
Anonymous |
5:05 pm, December 31, 2006
It has to be something in the drinking water:
Happy New Year, leftdog.
Posted by
Dr.Dawg |
5:30 pm, December 31, 2006
HAHA, you found our Jesus couch! That was right here in NV, almost posted something about it but...was just too depressing.
Posted by
Not Your Mama |
9:13 pm, December 31, 2006
Happy New Year to you Dr. Dawg! I LOVE Jesus's couch - isn't wonderful that he keeps sending us messages like that in grilled cheese sandwiches, on steamy windows and now on a couch! PTL!!!
Posted by
leftdog |
11:27 am, January 01, 2007
The same people who can provide no evidence that Jesus every came the first time, believe he will return this year?
Colour me surprised...not.
If you accept idea that the Earth can be created in 6 days as it exists now, you can believe anything as ridiculous as this.
Oh, its going to fun in the blogshpere this year.
Posted by
Mike |
4:02 pm, January 01, 2007
you betcha - Happy New Year Mike!
Posted by
leftdog |
4:06 pm, January 01, 2007
Yeah and these same idiots have saying the same thing since 2000. That year kind of pissed them off I think. Jesus didn't come back on time. Those fundie freaks are just keeping up the hope year after year so maybe (doubtful) they can say "see we told you he would come".
I am just ashamed that so many of my fellow citizens are so ignorant.
Posted by
Just My Thoughts |
5:52 pm, January 01, 2007
After that diatribe, you better prey to Jesus that he doesn't return, or you're the first on the list to be smoten.
Posted by
Olaf |
4:39 pm, January 02, 2007
I am ready willing and able to deal with the Second Coming - anytime and anywhere. Bring it on!
Posted by
leftdog |
4:49 pm, January 02, 2007
JESUS WILL SURVIVE - you sinner!
Posted by
Anonymous |
6:29 pm, January 04, 2007
Jesus is real
Posted by
Sjur Herman |
11:09 am, February 14, 2007
NO!! ... Jesus is FRAUD!!! and if you push him as lord and saviour nonsense, then you are a FRAUD ARTIST!!
Use your God given brain! Stop believing nonsense and fairy tales!
Posted by
leftdog |
6:52 pm, February 14, 2007
Everyone has a right to be wrong. It just so happens Jesus will come and those left will just be left. Will it happen in '07?? Who can say for sure. Be ready an be watchful!
Posted by
Anonymous |
3:10 pm, March 19, 2007
Anonymous ... do you know how 'mental' that belief is ... that 'Jesus' is going to come down on a cloud and kill most of humanity.
What started out as a gentle, love focused religion has been perverted by fundamentalists into a hateful, hurtful, vengeful, blood thirsty aberration.
Mental illness is required to believe in fundamentalist christianist beliefs. Mental!!
Posted by
leftdog |
4:33 pm, March 19, 2007
One question for Mr./ Mrs. Leftdog. As a young suckling, did ya belive in good ol Santa? It's not mental. That would require a brain which I do not have. In any case, if I am wrong, I have lived a life that leaves the world in a better place. IF your wrong, too late. Turn or Burn.
Posted by
Anonymous |
2:58 pm, March 20, 2007
I believe that there is a higher consciousness then human consciousness. I believe that over the billions and billions of years that the universe has existed, many things beyond human comprehension has and is occuring.
But if you believe that ALL of creation was done to see if you would embrace or reject Jesus, then you have sanity problems.
If you believe that God created you and that your purpose to choose 'jesus'. then you hold primitive religious beliefs.
Posted by
leftdog |
6:14 pm, March 20, 2007
oh and by the way ... your comment .. "turn or BURN" - sounds like you believe in the 'hell' myth. To think that you will be in a place filled with fire 'down there' is VERY primitive.
Primitive people believed that there was a bad place underground with fire when they were exposed to lava and volcanic activity.
Sounds like you believe in Hell - you have primitive beliefs.
Use your God given brain and read something other then the bible.
Posted by
leftdog |
6:18 pm, March 20, 2007
Huh. 2010 and still no Jesus. What a shock.
Posted by
Unknown |
1:57 am, April 12, 2010