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Saturday, December 30, 2006 

Hey Flaherty - Where's All the Promised Tory Tax Cuts?

An editorial in the Regina Leader Post tells it like it is: for all of the hype we have heard from from Harper's Finance Minister, where the hell are the promised tax cuts?

"Here's one item we hope is high on federal Finance Minister Jim Flaherty's list of New Year resolutions: "I will deliver REAL tax cuts to Canadians in 2007."

We stress "real" because cutting taxes is a long-standing Conservative resolution Flaherty largely failed to keep in 2006. Despite Flaherty talking a good tax-cutting game when he delivered his first budget, the facts don't support him."

Canadians are getting used to the lack of substance of our Conservative government. They talk a good 'talk' on some issues, but 'delivery' leaves a great deal to be desired.

Regina Leader Post



If the Conservatives promise tax cuts instead of new social spending, the left is up in arms, talking about mean spirited this and ideological that. And then when the tax cuts aren't harsh enough (they were there, but not substantial), you still find the nerve to criticize.

Does the fact that no matter what the Conservatives could do (either cut taxes or not cut taxes) would be right in your eyes bother you much?

Hey, you guys are in the big leagues now. The government of Canada - and proving once again that tories can dish it out but are very thin skinned.

Maybe I am laying down an argument that will contrast those promises that Harper says he must 'keep' - like changes to the Canadian Wheat Board.

Yet on other Conservative promises, like:
-taking natural resources out of the equalization formula,
-remedies to hospital waiting times,
ooops ... not 'all' tory promises are treated consistently.

Tax cuts in the next budget. You can be sure.

I'd love to see the dogs post if Harper cut the CBC to give me a 70$ tax cut.

Then buckdog would be even more upset than now is my guess.


At least no matter what the CPC does he has something to complain about.

Funny here in Manitoba they cut the GST, 2 points as of tomorrow,

Must take a bit longer to get out to sask. LOL

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