Former Reagan Aide Calls Bush 'Delusional'

Paul Craig Roberts, an official in Ronald Reagan's administration has penned a column entitled The Surge: Political Cover or Escalation? wherein he states, "He (Bush) blames defeats on his military commanders, not on his own insane policy. Like Hitler, he protects himself from reality with delusion."
"If Bush ignores US military commanders and expert opinion and accepts the surge option advanced by the delusional neocon allies of Israel’s right-wing Likud Party, US troops will be engulfed in general insurgency. This is why General John Abizaid resigned on January 5. He wants no part of the Republican Party’s sacrifice of US soldiers to sectarian conflict."
The column criticising President Bush appears in a Libertarian online publication, ''.
Raw Story

Not only is Bush delusional, all of the Canadian right wing bloggers (YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE) who have supported Bush are delusional too.
Posted by
leftdog |
4:53 pm, January 09, 2007
Words, words, words.
Meaningless to Bush.
Unless and until the American people do something that resembles action and abandon this wordy passivity Bush is going to take no notice - he's already said he doesn't much care about the new congress.
Once again they thought they were free.
Posted by
Anonymous |
9:36 pm, January 09, 2007
Great site.
Posted by
leftdog |
9:42 pm, January 09, 2007