More Adscam Arrests Pending
"We recently received an unusual call from a member of the RCMP commercial crime squad in Montreal, seeking our assistance in the feds' ongoing criminal investigations of the sponsorship scandal."
"Justice John Gomery's inquiry into the sponsorship scandal was specifically barred from probing anything that might become the subject of a criminal investigation, a huge constraint that left a gaping hole in the Adscam saga, a trail of missing millions now being pursued by the RCMP."
"We know from the Gomery inquiry that more than $1 million pilfered from the sponsorship program made its way into the coffers of the federal Liberal party. But what of the other millions that disappeared?"
"When the Mounties finally get their men, Dion can only pray the Liberals weren't left holding the bottle."
Ottawa Sun

Well now, Jack can vote against the budget and let the Liberals 'prop-up the Cons' !!
Posted by
wilson |
11:01 pm, January 07, 2007
There's a couple of things about this that smell fishy:
1) Timing. A little like the fizzled "Income Trust Investigation" that was leaked early last election, this smells slightly politicized as an announcement. (Just who are the CPC paying off in the RCMP?)
2) Coming out of the Sun's columnist pages, one has to be a little suspicious. They're almost as blatantly biased as the National Post crowd - and not necessarily above distorting things for their political ends. (Granted Weston's comparatively moderate - relative to Lerant or Jackson...)
3) It strikes me as more Conservative deflection than anything else. As we keep seeing, their legislative program is mostly "do nothings" and "smoke and mirrors" legislation, and Harper will do anything he can to direct attention elsewhere.
Posted by
MgS |
8:38 am, January 08, 2007
Grog, I don't think anyone is really kidding anyone. We all know that this is the Cons playing bloodsport with the Liberals. The question here is whether or not the Liberals really have anything to hide. If they don't, then they ought not worry.
If they do, then this is not Conservative deflection so much as it is Conservative tying up loose ends. I mean, who is to say that it didn't take this long to get this whole investigation this far because the RCMP was dotting the I's and crossing the T's, making sure they had a good case before they started to give the Liberals a hard time again, eh?
Do you honestly think the RCMP is so stupid as to go picking fights with a party who could very well be taking the reigns of the country back within a year or less?
Posted by
9:38 am, January 08, 2007
Do you honestly think the RCMP is so stupid as to go picking fights with a party who could very well be taking the reigns of the country back within a year or less?
I'm really just saying that something feels wrong here - as if someone in the RCMP is playing partisan games.
Posted by
MgS |
2:25 pm, January 08, 2007