Jason Kenney Can't Tell Me What It Means To Be Canadian!
Mr. Kenney may well be the Secretary of State for Multiculturalism but I hold his extreme right wing politics in utter contempt.
Kenney said, "For me Canadian identity means establishing clear, fixed reference points rooted in our values and our history. The four biggest values are our freedom, democracy, human rights and the rule of law."
While these all sound fine and well, I need to flesh out exactly what he means.
Does 'freedom' include so called 'property rights'? The right to pollute or store nuclear waste on your own property. Democracy, does that mean dropping farmers off a Wheat Board election as the Tories have done?
Do not take Mr. Kenney's pronouncment at face value. Critique it, dissect it and make sure that you know what you are getting from him. My Canada is not a Bush style, 'free market rules all' kind of place.
Be wary!
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So for "freedom" and "human rights" we'll put Kenney down in favour of full equal marriage for gays and lesbians? Or does not everyone get the rights and freedoms in Kenney's Canada?
Posted by
Dan |
5:36 pm, January 18, 2007
If only "we" had been so cautious of Chretien and Copps.
We would still have a society instead of a puking vomiting dog begging for a Hitlerian dictator.
Posted by
Anonymous |
7:02 pm, January 18, 2007
What are you on about blanks????? (or on ....)???
Posted by
leftdog |
9:15 pm, January 18, 2007
I tried to wreck my brain, such as it is, by trying to think if I could find another Canadian just like Kenny. I did! He remains me about that brilliant inventor of the "axis of evil" phrase and a presidential speech writer, David Frum. They even sound like identical twins. OK, I need a drink now!
Posted by
Unknown |
11:27 pm, January 18, 2007
That's the standard Kenney neo-American claptrap coming out.
The dildobrain hasn't even bothered to read our Constitution and laws, much less appreciate our history.
The man's so in love with George Bush style Americanism he's insulting.
Posted by
MgS |
7:34 am, January 19, 2007
You guys are hilarious. "extreme right-wing". give me a break.
The Reform Party wanted to reform a country that had become too corrupt, too statist, too inefficient.
The Alliance was just a combination of two split parties.
You really think Kenney and the current Conservatives are really right-wing? You should take a look at their policies. They've very moderate, unfortunately.
Posted by
8:53 am, January 19, 2007
Bill, I hate to say this BUT .. if you think Harper and Kenney are 'moderate', I shiver to think what that says about where your views fall in the political spectrum!!!
Posted by
leftdog |
10:15 am, January 19, 2007
Sez Mr. Demers:
You really think Kenney and the current Conservatives are really right-wing? You should take a look at their policies. They've very moderate, unfortunately.
Kenney is not "moderate" on anything. The man's a greasy little opportunist that will do and say anything to further his own ambitions.
As for his politics, I've watched him and the Reform/Alliance/CPoC clowns up close since the 1980s. There is nothing moderate about the core power group in that bunch on any front. (Oh, their words may be "moderate", but their actions speak quite differently)
Posted by
MgS |
11:27 am, January 19, 2007
What a ridiculous overreaction.
1. He used the phrase "for me". He did not insist anyone agree with him, nor question the patriotism of anyone who didn't.
2. Instead of debating his definition of a Canadian identity, you use that as a springboard for attacking his politics. The ol' bait and switch.
3. So long as I can remember, the pundits at CBC having been telling me that in order to be properly Canadian, I have to have socialist leanings. I've always thought that was the height of arrogance. Now someone conservative gives their opinion of what being Canadian is, and that's intolerable for you?
Pretty weak tea here.
Posted by
rabbit |
1:44 pm, January 19, 2007
What a ridiculous overreaction.
Jason Kenney simply gave his opinion (note the phrase "for me"). He did not insist everyone agree with him, nor question the patriotism of anybody who didn't.
For as long a I can remember, CBC pundits have been telling me that in order to be properly Canadian, I have to have socialist leanings.
I've always thought that was the height of arrogance. Now a conservatives simply gives his opinion about what it means to be Canadian, and you find that intolerable?
Your objection is very weak tea. It's just a transparent springboard to attack his politics.
Posted by
rabbit |
1:52 pm, January 19, 2007
rabbit said, "For as long a I can remember, CBC pundits have been telling me that in order to be properly Canadian, I have to have socialist leanings."
When EXACTLY did CBC tell you that you have to be a 'socialist' to be Canadian? What a load of bunny poop that is!
Jason kenney is dangerous because he wants to make Canada into something that Canadians do not want to be.
When Kenney's old party, the Reform Party could not convince Canadians to embrace their right wing nonsense, Jason, Harper, Day, Anders and other Reformers took over the Conservative Party.
Canadians do not want what you right wingers are offering. Period.
Posted by
leftdog |
2:26 pm, January 19, 2007
I apologize for the double posting above. I got confused.
First, I am hardly a "right winger". Centralist with classic liberal leanings would be more on the mark.
So far as Kenney wanting to make Canada something it doesn't want to be, surely that's up to the voters of Canada to decide whether they want to go along with him. He was voted into office - he didn't take it at gunpoint.
I find it bizarre that people should get their tails in a knot because Kenney said he thought Canada should represent freedom, democracy, human rights and the rule of law. Any opportunity for tory bashing, I guess.
Posted by
rabbit |
3:16 pm, January 19, 2007
I wouldn't even recognize my own country if Kenney had his unfettered way to change it!
-Medicare would be GONE
-Canada Pension Plan would be GONE
-Gay people would be (I don't even want to think what this religious nut would do to them)
-Canada would be at war in Iraq
-We might not even have a Canada since he likes the USA so much.
Kenney is DANGEROUS!!
Posted by
leftdog |
4:01 pm, January 19, 2007
So far as Kenney wanting to make Canada something it doesn't want to be, surely that's up to the voters of Canada to decide whether they want to go along with him. He was voted into office - he didn't take it at gunpoint.
Along with Rob Anders, Kenney comes out of Alberta - where a bale of hay could get elected as long as it held a Conservative sign. Fortunately for Canada, Alberta only represents a little less than 10% of the seats in Ottawa.
Beyond that, I agree with Buckdog on this one - left to his devices, Kenney would turn Canada into something few of us would recognize as Canadian.
Posted by
MgS |
10:43 pm, January 19, 2007