Fraser Institute Increases Security For Global Warming 'Denial' News Conference
On Monday February 5th, in London, the Frasers will be holding a news conference to present their own scientific 'evidence' that questions 'so called global warming'.
This blog - as well as British blog, Climate Change Action and desmogblog carried posts concerning the upcoming Fraser Institute media event. Climate Change Action asked for concerned individuals to come out to the event - "If a few of you could make it and hand out these briefings that would be great"
In response, the Fraser Institute has gotten nervous and has issued a news release announcing that they are raising security measures for their news conference.
Fraser Institute News Release
tag global warming kyoto fraser institute
And it doesn't surprise me that folks there myih be really upset at them. You guys are more environmentally attuned than we are, I think.
Posted by
TomCat |
11:56 am, February 03, 2007
What a sad old bunch of dinosaurs. This will be the issue that finally consigns them to the outer fringes, along with space-alien abductees and Holocaust-deniers. Even Harper and Bush have (officially, at least)come to their senses.
Posted by
Dr.Dawg |
2:02 pm, February 03, 2007
LeftDog.....don't possess the Kahuna's to post my comments?
Posted by
mooner |
3:36 pm, February 03, 2007
mooner, I am not posting your mentally ill 'taxpayers federation' vile crap on my site.
Personally dude, you actually do need to see a psychiatrist. Why are you so full of hatred towards all things progressive?
To insist that global warming has NOTHING to do with human activity and is a natural occurence proves how out to lunch you are.
You don't get to piggy back your right wing schlock on my site.
Posted by
leftdog |
5:13 pm, February 03, 2007
"You don't get to piggy back your right wing schlock on my site."
Good for you, leftdog. Let them take their "spiel" somewhere else.
Posted by
Erik |
7:39 pm, February 03, 2007