'Genocidal' Iran Must Be Stopped - Jason Kenney Says

Someone needs to ask Tory Cabinet Minister Jason Kenney if Canada is prepared to go to war with Iran. The Federal Minister has now said that the Harper government “stands four-square” with the Jewish community in its concerns about Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s “genocidal intentions.”
Kenney spoke at Congregation Beth Israel Beth Aaron last week and pledged that Canada “will pursue every possible avenue in concert with our allies to ensure that [Iran] does not come into possession of nuclear weapons, which could unleash unimaginable violence.”
He said the government is looking at “every reasonable strategy” to thwart Ahmadinejad from his goal. Kenney said Harper understands that Iran is not interested in a two-state solution to the Palestinian issue, but “a final solution, in a perverted twist on history, that would complete the work Hitler began by eliminating the state that came into being as a haven for Jews.”
Harper, he said, is unshakable in his support for Israel, because he “understands its existential fight,” and he has told the Conservative caucus that he would not change his stance even if it means the fall of his government.
Oh. My. God.
Must be the North American Union is further along than I thought...
Posted by
Women on the Verge |
4:44 pm, February 28, 2007
The Canadian government is so completely conservative, they actually think George W. Bush is doing a FINE job!
Prime Minister Harper is so microscopically focused on right wing ideology, economics and political alchemy that he is blind to most realities. He admires Bush and agrees with most of his policies.
We are in a lot of trouble up here if he EVER wins a majority government.
Posted by
leftdog |
5:55 pm, February 28, 2007
"he has told the Conservative caucus that he would not change his stance even if it means the fall of his government."
Mighty big of him - glad to hear he has his priorities straight. Never mind embroiling us in another Bush adventure, the important point is whether or not his government would fall because of it.
Posted by
Alison |
6:15 am, March 01, 2007
mmm...seems lock-step with Bushco, the GOP and most Democrats on this one....all of whom are too far up Israels but to realize the pure hypocrisy and lunacy of their words....
Posted by
Sean S. |
9:34 am, March 01, 2007
Most Conservatives simply don't like the Iranian people. They never have. They favor a single Israeli over any amount of Iranians.
Here's why. Try the following:
"Canada will pursue every possible avenue in concert with our allies to ensure that ISRAEL does not come into possession of nuclear weapons, which could unleash unimaginable violence."
You know why they would never make such a statement? First of all, because it is very likely Israel already has nuclear weapons; no news here I suppose. But also because Conservatives "believe" that Israelis/Jews are inherently better than Iranians. And when it comes to ideology, hard facts are unnecessary.
Why have these Conservatives never complained about the Israeli build up of WMD?
Racial/Religious favouritism, that's all there's to it.
As long as Pro-Israel means anti-Iran (or anti-any other country) we will never get a balanced approach to the Middle East. The pro-Israeli stand of the Conservatives and their MSM in North Ameriaca is sickening. It's about time we call them on it.
Thanks for the good post!
A Genocidal Israel should be stopped too, and so should a genocidal Kenney. :)
Posted by
Erik |
12:25 pm, March 01, 2007