PROOF: Department of National Defence Monitored Canadian Anti - War Advocate! Who Else Are They Spying On?
David Pugliese
CanWest News Service
July 13, 2007
National Post
So - in the free and democratic nation of Canada, governed by the Conservative Party of Stephen Harper, if you are opposed to the War in Afghanistan, you may have the Department of National Defence spying on you! Isn't that bloody lovely!!
But deep down, am I surprised? Not really. Right wing political parties and their govenments are all about authoritarianism. They are all about forcing their will as much as possible on their fellow citizens.
They would be doing far more of it if they could.
Shame on Stephen Harper and his Government and his Party and all of the other right wingers who support him. Your days in power are numbered!!
National Post
Right wing political parties and their govenments are all about authoritarianism.
In fairness, there are moderate right-wing parties that do not represent semi-totalitarian approaches to power.
Sadly, the HarperCon$ are cut from the same cloth as BushCo - and they are of the "if we don't like you, you have no rights" crowd.
Posted by
MgS |
11:39 am, July 13, 2007
You are talking about the "new"government of Harper. Let's get back to the good old days.
Nothing like rejecting the "new".
Remember "new" Coke? And how long did that last and how happy were people to see it go?
Same with Harpo. Good riddance to bad baggage.
Posted by
Anonymous |
1:43 pm, July 13, 2007