Saskatoon Police Force In Hot Water AGAIN

The Saskatoon force is well known for a case of malicious prosecution during a supposed 'satanist' cult investigation in the early 1990's.
Then an incident occurred on November 25, 1990 when Neil Stonechild, a First Nations person died of hypothermia after Officers left him outside in extremely cold weather. A finding of a Special Inquiry was that Stonechild had been in police custody on the evening of November 25. Two officers were dismissed from the Saskatoon Police Service for their alleged involvement in this matter.
Now the Saskatoon City Police have a situation that involves drunk driving, coverup and other unpleasant aspects.
"SASKATOON -- Two high-ranking Saskatoon police officers have been suspended from duty while the force investigates a drunk-driving allegation against one of them, and an accusation that the other tried to obstruct two lower-ranking officers who made the allegation."
Regina Leader Post
Have you ever wondered how much of a police department's budget goes to paying suspended/disciplined police? I wonder if any for-profit corporation or business would put up with that amount of outflow?
Posted by
Anonymous |
9:27 am, August 04, 2007
Good point david. Especially the Saskatoon force that seems to wander from one idiotic episode to the other. You may have given me an idea for a further post!
Posted by
leftdog |
9:46 am, August 04, 2007