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Wednesday, September 26, 2007 

Marc Garneau Kisses Liberal Party Goodbye!

Former Canadian astronaut Marc Garneau is walking away from politics and has told supporters that he will not be seeking the Liberal nomination in the riding of Westmount-Ville Marie or any other riding. Marc Garneau quit his job as the chief of Canada's space agency and ran unsuccessfully for the Liberals in Vaudreuil-Soulanges during the 2006 Federal election.

Mr. Garneau had approached the Liberals earlier this year about being their candidate in the Outremont by election. Stephan Dion hand picked the candidate and we all know how well that worked for the Libs.

National Post

Progressive Bloggers


Would it not perhaps be more accurate to write "Marc Garneau kisses politics goodbye" and then explain in your post that he's frustrated with the party? Your title strongly suggests that Marc Garneau has left the Liberal Party, and I'm not sure that's true.

Truly one of my favorite Canadians.

LKO ... hmmm .... Mr. Garneau was prepared to fight an election and had quit a good job for politics. Therefore it doesn't seem as though he has 'kissed POLITICS goodbye'. He was willing to be involved in politics. No .. I stand by my headline - the problem for Mr. Garneau was NOT politics; it was politics as is practiced by Mr. Dion. If any change should be made to my headline it could be, ""Marc Garneau Kisses Liberal Leader Goodbye!"

I thought Dion had a hand-picked candidate, and Marc Garneau did not like that.I do wish Dion would let hem have a nimination..Outremont is a result of hand-picked candidate. We do not need anymore, as he is having a bad enough time in Quebec, as it is.

It seems as if Dion is skipping a step in the electoral process. He is busy hand picking individuals that he wants to have in his 'cabinet' - problem is that he has to win 'government' first. If he was a bit more realistic and a bit more humble, he would be worried about electing MP's before he worries about electing 'cabinet ministers'.

I don't at all disagree that Garneau is leaving politics because he's fed up with Dion's leadership of the party. His problem wasn't with politics, it was with the party. But the thing he's leaving is politics, not the party (sofar as I know). My only point is that he's not, sofar as I can tell, leaving the Liberal party. Deciding not to run as a candidate for election, and kissing the PARTY goodbye are two different things, I think. I actually think your "Marc Garneau Kisses Liberal Leader Goodbye!" is a much more accurate title!

No big deal though. Just semantics really.

Tkanks LKO - your comments are appreciated. I would be a crappy headline writer for the print media!

Hey, guys, all this kissing is getting unseemly. ;-)

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