Russian Ship Crosses Arctic Seaway To Churchill, Manitoba
(Footnote: - and the individual responsible for the extreme right wing blog, 'smalldeadanimals' continues to deny that global warming exists!)
-Globe & Mail
-Arctic Warming Continues
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Odd, NASA thinks it's a change in ocean currents...
On the bright side, means another sea route. Means northern development. This is a good thing.
Posted by
Mr. Pauly Mac |
10:59 am, October 18, 2007
Yeah - change in ocean currents DUE TO CLIMATE CHANGE!!!
What is with you conservatives?!!
Posted by
leftdog |
11:14 am, October 18, 2007
you can be as communist as they come and not believe in climate change.
A Marxist-Feminist prof of mine thought human induced global warming was BS.
"Join the NDP, but only if you believe climate change is exclusively caused by human beings"
Posted by
Philltaj2 |
11:24 am, October 18, 2007
i think those on the right tend to believe in nonsense a bit more than on the left. I don't know too many lefties who think that the earth is only 8000 years old and that Noah's Ark is factual history - whereas on the right ..... nut cases ... all!
Posted by
leftdog |
1:32 pm, October 18, 2007
Hang on a second, is the melt a result of Global Warming/Climate Change or are the changing currents part of the reason for Global Warming/Climate Change? Ah, you see, there's the rub.
There's this whole correlation/causation and so forth that has to be looked into before we can blame bad old humans.
Posted by
Mr. Pauly Mac |
7:38 pm, October 18, 2007
Krydor ... 6 Billion people live on the planet, the breathable air is in the first 3 kilometers closest to the surface of the earth. Billions of cars, millions of factories, millions of cooking fire, forest fires, the poor old atmosphere is stressed and it is totally mental to deny it or to believe that humans are not having a major impact on the planet. What is with your "bad old humans" way of thinking. Who said we are bad. We gain knowledge each generation and then do what has to be done.
You are an intelligent guy, what is all the fear about .. humans are affecting the atmosphere and there are consequences. Stop the hesitation and get with the reality of the situation. (However, if you are one of those who believe the earth is only 8000 years old and Armegedon is our fate) .... well then you would be too irrational to even talk to.
Posted by
leftdog |
10:40 pm, October 18, 2007
Dude, I'm an Atheist. I'm a sciency type fellow. I have no doubt, none, that humans have an effect on the atmosphere. I don't think Climate Change is a myth.
I do think that AGW has serious issues in the theory department. I have found that discussing AGW with the hard left is futile. The reactions to debate are akin to discussing evolution with the hard right.
Look, I get that the doom and gloom scenarios are a fantastic way to forward green energy projects and protect air and water quality. If the ends justify the means, then fine. Just don't expect people to be in lock step over the whole thing.
Posted by
Mr. Pauly Mac |
7:30 am, October 19, 2007
I'm not, its just you only blog stories critical of Christians...when a Muslim cleric in Canada says something stupid theres nary a peeep out of the left leaning blogosphere, but a crazy Christian? You guys jump all over that like lindsay lohan in a coke factory.
Posted by
Philltaj2 |
8:57 am, October 19, 2007