I Don't Know Who Akaash Maharaj Is ... But He Can Go Fly A Kite!
"How is it possible for the NDP, a party of such zealous political self-righteousness, to engage so fervently in so sordid a campaign of character assassination?"
"... was also forced to apologise for her party's false allegations"
Someone needs to remind Mr Maharaj that certain INDIVIDUALS made the statements that he is objecting to ... NOT the NDP!.
Are you accusing the entire New Democratic Party, federal and provincial wings, each and every member, the executive and various caucuses of officially conducting 'character assassination'?
Here is the full text of Maharaj's ridiculous rant! (You will note that readers can't post any response to Mr. Marahaj's pronouncements ... hence it is a pretty one sided affair) ....
B.D said..."Someone needs to remind Mr Maharaj that certain INDIVIDUALS made the statements that he is objecting to ... NOT the NDP"...
No kidding .
But then when anything,having to do with the NDP comes up.Certain types always fly off the logic rail,hurling around absurd statements that have no bearing on the actual event never mind the actual facts..
Maharaj seems to have forgotten,or in his case chose to ignore certain facts,i.e.
...."The politician who appeared the least eager to jump on the bandwagon was NDP Leader Jack Layton, even though the issue had been discussed and backed by the party's caucus.
...."I wasn't there myself," Layton told reporters yesterday, moments after the allegations were made.
...."It's her responsibility to raise this in the House if she sees something that concerns her.
Thats just the nature of partisan politics.The NDP will never ever get a fair hearing from the Maharaj's of the world.
Posted by
Dirk Buchholz |
10:08 pm, December 08, 2007
There is a small group of Liberals who regularly "fly off the logic rail" in their unbridled hatred for the NDP - Maharaj - Cherniak - Fuddle Duddle Antonio and others. They generally tend to be from the far right of the Liberal horde ... Libs who should probably be Conservatives.
Posted by
leftdog |
10:16 pm, December 08, 2007
You should really read Libby Davies's apology she made to parliament - Maharaj even links to it in his blog:
"During the last federal election campaign, the New Democratic Party of Canada publicized allegations..."
"The New Democratic Party admits that we seriously erred in making the allegations...There were never any facts to support an allegation of bribery or attempted bribery..."
"As a result of our allegations and actions..."
"The NDP formally apologizes..."
"The NDP made another serious error in judgment..."
"As deputy leader, I am not satisfied with the manner in which this was handled..."
"This kind of incident will not be repeated again by the New Democratic Party of Canada."
It's pretty clear that Davies herself, the NDP Deputy Leader, is admitting that the offence was by the party collectively, and not just "a few individuals".
Posted by
Democratic Republican |
11:32 pm, December 08, 2007
Nonsense. She can apologize on her own behalf or on behalf of Parliamentary Caucus ... but I again challenge the notion that the New Democratic Party is, as Marahaj contends, involved in a deliberate policy of calculated character assasination ... I have been a delegate to many federal conventions and I can assure you that the highest organ of the Party, the Convention has not, ever, adopted polices that involve deliberate attacks on anyone.
Posted by
leftdog |
11:41 pm, December 08, 2007
"The Caucus IS NOT the party!"
From time to time elected MP's, MNA's and MLA's from all political parties need to be reminded that they are trusted servants of their party ... they are NOT the Party!!!
Posted by
leftdog |
11:53 pm, December 08, 2007
"From time to time elected MP's, MNA's and MLA's from all political parties need to be reminded that they are trusted servants of their party ... they are NOT the Party!!!"
Will you go so far as to say that Jack Layton is "Not the Party!!!?"
Posted by
Dr. Tux |
4:37 am, December 09, 2007
So Leftdog, let me see if I get this straight.
The NDP Deputy Leader stands up in the House of Commons and admits, in her official capacity as Deputy Leader, that the fault of the false accusation belongs to the NDP as a whole party, and not just some rogue individuals.
The NDP Executive, elected by ALL the members to speak for ALL the members and the ENTIRE party, approved Libby's admission and apology on behalf of ALL the party (the executive was the one that settled the legal action, not Libby or the caucus).
Jack Layton and the NDP caucus approved Libby taking NDP time on the House of Commons agenda to read that apology for the whole NDP into the record.
EVERYONE who is elected by the membership to speak for the party agreed to an official statement in the House of Commons that the NDP AS A WHOLE was responsible.
Yet you say its just "certain Individuals"?
Sorry. That's just not credible.
If the member-elected executive, the leader, the caucus, all acting together don't speak for the party, then who does? You, maybe?
Posted by
Babble |
9:34 am, December 09, 2007
With all the problems in this country and the problems that the NDP have been raising in the house this is the only one that gets press. The NDP have done a good job in raising important issues, and now they make one error. This story is silly!!! Is it really worth being the lead story on Rawlco radio?
Posted by
sunnyside |
11:23 am, December 09, 2007
Dr.Tux .... Jack Layton is NOT the NDP - he is a member of the NDP who has been duly trusted and elected as our Leader. We did not elect a dictator. Libby Davis, is likewise, a trusted servant of the Party. She is not the Party.
Your hatred of the NDP is well known to me ... am I surprised??
Posted by
leftdog |
11:27 am, December 09, 2007
The Federal NDP is a Gong Show.
The Crazy absurd statements made in the House everyday Proves it.
Posted by
huffb1 |
3:34 pm, December 09, 2007
huffb1 that is simply nonsense! I suppose you endorse Harper and his lies ...
Posted by
leftdog |
3:38 pm, December 09, 2007
I do not hate the NDP. What I hate is the rabid tribal partisanship the NDP has been engaging in over the past year.
I'm glad that you agree Jack Layton isn't the NDP. Because, quite honestly, the people who support the NDP and operate at the grassroots level aren't as tribal as Jack Layton is making the NDP out to be.
There is much more fluidity between Greens, Liberals and NDP than Layton and the NDP would like to admit.
Posted by
Dr. Tux |
9:10 pm, December 09, 2007
I just don't understand the reasons for the depth of your venom towards Layton. God man ... where is your similar feeling towards Harper - why are you going after Jack with such fury ... I don't get it??
Posted by
leftdog |
9:24 pm, December 09, 2007
Why hasn't Jack Layton's energy been more focussed on Harper throughout the year? Instead of focussing on Harper, Layton has spent a good percentage of his resources muddying the public's perception of Dion.
Why did Layton spend so much effort grandstanding when no election was called on a Throne Speech? Why has the NDP's website frequently featured more attacks on Dion than Harper? Why has Layton spent so much time and effort mimicking all the talking points of Harper's on Dion, trying to solidify the image of Dion as "not a leader".
This isn't just about Jack Layton's poor relationship with Dion and Elizabeth May, it's about ineffective representation of how the people feel. People want cooperation between the parties and a laser like focus on getting rid of Harper.
So why is Jack Layton intent on making the NDP seem like a bunch of hardcore partisans when, in reality, grassroots supporters are just as likely to support Liberals and Greens if it helps get rid of Harper?
Should it really be so surprising that people are turning around and attacking the NDP when Jack Layton has created the NDP's image as highly-partisan, uncooperative, unfocussed on Harper and holier-than-thou?
Posted by
Dr. Tux |
3:28 am, December 10, 2007
This is merely part of the continuing trend of amongst Liberals, particularly bloggers but also Liberal MPs (http://www.theglobeandmail.com/servlet/story/RTGAM.20071208.WBwblogolitics20071208190648/WBStory/WBwblogolitics/), to portray Jack Layton and the NDP as sleazy, self-serving politicians. In the past the Liberals portrayed the NDP as the ideological fringe party on the left, but now the Liberals want to be the "principled party of the centre-left" they are using the adjectives to characterize Liberals over the last five years to cascade a negative light on the NDP.
The fact is that the Liberals know they cannot beat Harper, but they have to ensure that this is a two party race or else the NDP will bite into their seat count. So, they have focused grouped the message that Jack is a used car salesmen and run with it. Truth and principle are not involved in Liberal messaging. Therefore, it is irrelevant whether an apology was issued by the NDP or an MP. What is important, is how can the NDP respond in such a way that they maintain the esteem of the electorate.
Posted by
Wheatsheaf |
11:23 am, December 10, 2007