Federal Conservative Agriculture Minister THREATENS Canadian Wheat Board
Hon. Gerry Ritz
Agriculture Minister of Canada
Calgary Herald
NOTE: This is right out of the Stephen Harper Procedures Manual:
'When you cannot get your way through manipulation, use threats and intimidation'
This is how the Harper government operates - with bullying and intimidation. We'll see if they win a 'majority'!!
Posted by
leftdog |
9:22 am, February 14, 2008
Gawd, they're not even being coy about their agenda anymore, are they?
Comment from my husband: "What, are they going to outlaw unions next?"
Posted by
Jennifer Smith |
9:58 am, February 14, 2008
One can only hope...
Posted by
Francis Walsingham |
10:01 am, February 14, 2008
Would someone please remind Minister Ritz that he's a servant of the Crown and he'd better act like a servant rather than a slavemaster?
This bullyboyism is getting to be too much of a crutch for the conservatives. It's a last resort caused by a lack of insipired leadership.
Mike Harris' spectre haunts Conservatism to this day.
Time to give these bullyboys a back of the barn discipling. Ah yes, discipline--whatever happened to it in this so-called government?
Posted by
Anonymous |
10:51 am, February 14, 2008
Wow! Just wow.
Posted by
skdadl |
11:34 am, February 14, 2008
I hope this comment is going to be publicized across the country. Then the Cons can say one of their ministers is loopy fringe and doesn't represent the party....or...they can own it just ahead of the election they want so bam dadly.
Posted by
Niles |
1:12 pm, February 14, 2008