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Tuesday, July 08, 2008 

Whatever Happened To Saskatchewan's $850 Million Equalization Dollars That Harper Reneged On?

Buckdog did a number of posts last year concerning the Conservatives broken promise to Saskatchewan concerning natural resource revenues.

Harper reneged on the promise, Saskatchewan lost $850 Million and for the moment, Saskatchewan is still proceeding with legal action against the federal government.

But the question still remains ..... Whatever Happened To Saskatchewan's $850 Million Equalization Dollars That Harper Reneged On?

.... guess what boys and girls .... Harper has already done to Saskatchewan what Dion is only threatening to do!!!

Reneging seems to be a common practice. Big cities are wondering where are their transportation dollrars and motorists who bought energy efficient are wondering where their energy rebates are.

I thought that this was to be "less government" but nobody can explain the delays. Please don't say it's red tape because that puts the lie to
the less government model, doesn't it?

So many unfulfilled and undelivered promises yet we're supposed to believe it's the "new government of Canada".

New, my ass!

Whooee! It's what they call a wealthtransfer. Harper is taking from the west and giving to NS. Why? Because Petey Weety Woo is in trouble. He gave away a bigass submarine contract to BC and NS ain't happy. They ain't happy wrt Bill Casey, neither.

I reckon the best part of this whole deal is that it has Harper resurrecting the NEP so he can take from the West and give to the East. Harper's cap-and-trade will also take from the provinces that have the highest GHG's and make them pay the ones with lower GHG's. High emitters AB and SK will pay out to lower emitters ON and QC under cap and trade.

Harper sez he's for the west and the west seems to be buying that line. The facts say something else.


Let's note that this also looks like another example of the Cons looking for a short-term buyout rather than a long-term solution: much like they've tried to pretend that one-off spending can make up for the $800 million per year which they promised Saskatchewan, they're looking for this payment to make up for breaking a long-term equalization agreement with Nova Scotia.

"Harper's cap-and-trade will also take from the provinces that have the highest GHG's and make them pay the ones with lower GHG's. High emitters AB and SK will pay out to lower emitters ON and QC under cap and trade."

And, likewise, so will the NDP's cap-and-trade system. Both the CONS and the NDP will have to raise funds from elsewhere to help out low income Canadians deal with the higher prices cap-and-trade will bring to them. So, what or who will they tax?

Hey, maybe they could tax carbon instead and use those proceeds... like the Liberals plan to do.

Are you trying to compare Apples with Oranges here Leftdog?

Dions Carbon Tax would be taking a lot more away from us. Jobs, Money etc..

Your starting to sound like Murray Wood, Going on and on about the Equalization.

So huff ... let me try to figure out how your 'logic' works!

-If Harper takes $850 Million from Saskatchewan in Equalization that is GOOD.

-If Dion takes $850 Million (or more)away with his stupid Carbon tax that is BAD.

I never said that taking away $850 Million from Saskatchewan in Equalization is good.

btw, that post you linked to was about Dion being sued over the Name Green Shift.

maybe I need to reword my first comment

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