I Suppose The Good News Is That We Get To Hear How May Will 'Eliminate Poverty'!

"Poverty and hunger are priorities for Greens, but the Green Party will not simply strive to reduce the poverty rates in Canada, we want to wipe poverty out for good. To eliminate poverty and hunger, the Green Party would look at introducing a Guaranteed Livable Income for Canadians."
Elizabeth May
Green Party Policy Book
Persons living in poverty across Canada will be trembling with anticipation ... when they find out that Elizabeth May is going to 'look at' poverty!!!!
Anyone who promises that they will DEFINITELY do something that is or could be highly controversial with the rich upper 5% of the population, especially when you don't have access to the government books, is setting themselves up for being accused of failure to keep a promise. If you state that it is your intention to evaluate it as a direction, you are being more honest.
Posted by
Unknown |
6:56 am, September 11, 2008