'Ormiston Online' Lists Top 5 Canadian Election Blogsites .... Buckdog is #4
Here is the text from Ormiston's site:
"We found that Canada's political blogosphere is largely dominated by a select few "elite" partisan bloggers. Also, the Canadian political blogosphere has not seen a substantial increase in new bloggers since the beginning of the campaign. The Blogging Tories, for example have seen their ranks grow by only 9 members, while the Liberal blogroll has increased by 4. There have been no increases for the NDP.
Now, to the ranking: Chief Liberal blogger Jason Cherniak tops our list of most cited bloggers in the partisan blogosphere. After a slow start to the campaign Cherniak's recent posts on 9-11 conspiracy theorists, particularly those with ties to the NDP and Jack Layton, have received considerable attention from across the political spectrum.
Not surprisingly then NDP bloggers "Rusty Idols" and "Dipper Chick" top the list of blogs that link to Cherniak's posts. A longtime Dion supporter, Cherniak has frequently found himself the target of many Blogging Tories' posts (and on occasion, Liberal posts). As Liberal numbers have plummeted in the polls during the campaign Cherniak's steadfast support and optimism for the Liberal team has begun to waver. Recently, for example, Cherniak mused on his blog: "I just hope that the national campaign planned for things to go this way and is ready to give us the support that we need. It's not too late yet."
Master Blogging Tory/online researcher Steve Janke comes in second on our list. During the campaign so far Janke - aka "Angry in the Great White North"- has focused much of his attention on outspoken Liberal MP Garth Turner (himself a blogger, and former Conservative MP). As we see in today's rankings, Janke received top marks (and hyperlinks) from fellow Blogging Tories "Alberta Aarvark" and Stephen Taylor.
Taylor himself lands in third place as the most talked about blogger so far in the campaign. Our analysis of the blogosphere shows that Taylor and Janke share a good deal of cross promotion in the blogosphere, routinely citing each other's blog entries.
NDP supporter "Buckdog Politics" claims fourth on our list, in large part because of a run in with a certain Green party staffer earlier in the campaign. If you remember, Buckdog was threatened with legal action after posting a video that purported to show Elizabeth May referring to Canadians as stupid.
Coming in at number five on our top five election bloggers list is "Red Tory", a sharp witted, irreverent Liberal blogger, who has seemingly taken on the task of responding to "Angry" Steve Janke (whom Red Tory refers to sarcastically as the "Blogging Tories' super-sleuth"). This blog is not for the faint of heart."
Ormiston Online - CBC
Hey if that's the top five, you're number one on the the list and Red Tory is number two. I don't read the other sites.
Well actually you might be number two since I also go to impolitical a lot. Hey it's a toss up.
You are on my list anyway.
Congratulations I think.
Posted by
3:16 pm, September 29, 2008
I don't know what criteria Ormiston used, but if he's ranking Cherniak and Janke as "top rank", I think he's missing a great deal.
I ignore both of those two for the most part - Janke in particular because he simply gets his facts wrong most of the time.
Posted by
MgS |
9:36 pm, September 29, 2008
You are by far the best on that list. Cherniak only got up there because of his desperate smears.
We should probably stop linking to him. But writing posts entitled "Your goin' down Cherniak" is jst way too much fun.
Again, congrats.
Posted by
Erin Sikora |
12:53 am, September 30, 2008
(NDP just missed 2nd place)
I've accounted the societally high ROI 3 year expenditures of all 5 parties; positive externalities like environmental capital costing, R+D, daycare, foreign aid, and mental health + affordable housing programmes to fight homelessness. Rankings are: 1st Greens $172B, 2nd Libs $45B, 3rd NDP $45B, 4th Bloc $15B, 5th Cons $8B.
Ignoring off-the-chart Greens, Liberals have highest environment and R+D totals, NDP best childcare and highest sindustry penalty, and Bloc the best anti-homelessness strategies: http://externalityaccounting.blogspot.com/
Posted by
Phillip Huggan |
11:15 pm, September 30, 2008
Hasn't that article been undermined by determining someone self-identified as "Red Tory" is a Liberal (capital L) blogger?
I thought he was an independent curmudgeon.
Posted by
Niles |
9:41 am, October 01, 2008