Conservatives: 'Drinking The Blue Kool-Aid'
Here is a small sampling of the 'reactionary' Canadian Right this morning:
-Smalldeadanimals: (name that coalition) (Liberal, NDP, Bloc coalition a “Coup d’Etat”)
-I Am Joe
-Christian Conservative: (A disgusting thought)
-Clear Conservative Thought: (Political reform to save Democracy)
-Ezra Levant plays his usual word games when he says .... BUT, Kady O'Malley calls him out on it when she writes: "Also, having now seen this particular talking point trotted out approximately nineteen thousand times in the last 24 hours - including a record-breaking effort by Ezra Levant on CTV News last night, where he managed to work it into every single response, sometimes more than once in the same sentence - I have to ask: Is there any reason at all to think that either Jack Layton or Bob Rae would get the Finance gig in a coalition government — or, frankly, that either of them would even want it?"
-And Tory Members of Parliament are fanning out across the nation this weekend testing out their new 'talking points' from the PMO.
Mark my words, by this time next Saturday, we'll have already seen incidents of political violence perpetrated by these wingnuts.
Mark my words Buck, one of those lunatics is going to take all of this "coup d'etat" nonsense too far...
Posted by
Mike |
11:30 am, November 29, 2008
I'm pretty sure my name wouldn't be allowed to be posted on SDA so I just thought i'd let you know my little secret... 'Democracy Realized' would be a great name for the new party! ha ha!
Posted by
Bill Stevenson |
1:43 pm, December 01, 2008