Still No Dziekanski Inquiry And Eight More Canadians Have Died By 'Taser' Since His Death
Now, on the heels of tests commissioned by CBC, Amnesty International is calling for a moratorium on police use of tasers in Canada:
"Human rights group Amnesty International is renewing its call for a moratorium on Taser use after recent tests commissioned by CBC News and Radio-Canada found some of the stun guns deliver a higher level of electricity than the manufacturer promises.
The tests, conducted by the U.S.-based lab National Technical Systems, used 41 X26 model Tasers from seven police departments in that country. Each weapon was fired six times.
Of the 41 Tasers tested, four delivered significantly more current than Taser International says is possible. In those cases, the current was up to 50 per cent stronger than specified on the devices."
One thing that I wonder about is this: was the policeman/woman's life all that more dangerous before the Taser? For that matter, were more accused/suspected being injured or killed by the police?
If it hasn't made the police safer, and hasn't reduced the death/serious injury rate of those the police deal with, then what the f*ck are we doing employing gadgets that inflict intense pain even when they work properly?
Oh hell, I think I just answered my own question.....
Posted by
sunsin |
3:16 pm, December 06, 2008