Fresh Winds
From The Prairies
Welcome to Buckdog©!
- BUCKDOG© contains the opinions of a Canadian citizen journalist - Extreme Right wing nonsense is not tolerated well here. Abusive or libelous comments will be deleted. I am a former member of the Federal NDP who has left the Party because of it's current incompetent leadership!
Doesn't everyone buy cuddly ritual garb from an 1-800 number on the tee vee?
Posted by
Prole |
11:42 pm, January 27, 2009
But still, you have to wonder how long it took for someone to invent something that looks like the mash-up of a monk's robe, a hospital gown and Scarlett O'Hara's drapes.
Posted by
deBeauxOs |
12:29 am, January 28, 2009
What do you mean? What is so wrong with a blanket with sleeves? It actually has a USE, compared to the mood ring or pet rock. It is not purely for entertainment, it supplies warmth. Are you against colorful pillows because they are "stupid" as well?
You're silly. Get something important to rant about.
Posted by
MYMA1313 |
9:19 am, January 28, 2009
I don't know about the snuggies, but that light looks pretty cool.
Posted by
Anonymous |
11:03 pm, January 30, 2009
I googled "I hate snuggies" and this is what came up.
I heard a radio DJ on XM say this the other day
"If you see a girl in a Snuggie and Uggs, RUN, because she is a nightmare come true."
Posted by
SarahAKABatGirl |
4:58 pm, March 14, 2009