RCMP Open Investigation of 5 Conservative Members Of Parliament For Inappropriate Use of Wheat Board Voting Lists!
REGINA — RCMP are investigating allegations that Conservative MPs interfered with Canadian Wheat Board director elections, the National Farmers Union said Friday.
The RCMP said in a news release that it's probing complaints from the NFU alleging that a voters list for the wheat board was improperly accessed and used by unauthorized people.
An RCMP spokeswoman would not elaborate, but the union claims Conservative members of Parliament used the voters list to send letters to farmers.
"In the Canadian Wheat Board elections that were run just before Christmas at the end of 2008, five Conservative MPs sent out letters ... telling farmers how to vote and who to vote for," NFU president Stewart Wells said.
"Of course that made farmers in Western Canada very angry."
Wells said that according to the law governing the wheat board, the voters' list is only supposed to be available to candidates in an election.
The farmers union claims that the mailing list used by the MPs was identical to the voters' list.
Wells said none of the explanations offered up as to why there were similarities ring true.
"None of their explanations account for things like typos and company names that are included in these mailing addresses," he said.
"The mailing addresses used by the Conservative MPs includes these typos and these company names that they just really wouldn't have access to any other way."
The letters were sent by one MP from Alberta and four from Saskatchewan, including David Anderson, parliamentary secretary for the Canadian Wheat Board.
They urged farmers to vote for candidates who favour ending the wheat board's grain marketing monopoly.
Canadian Press
I'm sure Leftdog that it's all just a coincidence or something. Any means justify the ends for these bozos.
Posted by
susansmith |
9:04 pm, January 09, 2009
Great catch on this story.
Posted by
Cathie from Canada |
1:25 am, January 10, 2009
ethereal heaven is a "pushing products" site. Not sure you want it linking to you. It's spam.
Who are the actual MP's who did this?
Posted by
penlan |
7:26 am, January 10, 2009
I don't mean to be cynical (scratch that, I do), but given the RCMP's track record in investigating alleged political crimes, I don't hold out much hope for them "getting their men".
Posted by
Greg |
7:35 am, January 10, 2009
Thanks penlan ... that's fixed now. The only MP name I have at the moment is Anderson from Saskatchewan.
Posted by
leftdog |
8:47 am, January 10, 2009
Start the investigation at the source. The PMO.
Posted by
Larry Hubich |
1:34 pm, January 10, 2009
as a person that a farmer and a supported of the CWB-- i to receive a letter from my mp --the local ass kissing fool of harper--Member of Parliament for Crowfoot / Mr. Kevin Sorenson
i wonder when canada will wake up to see harper and the tory as noting but total fool-- that have no idea what to do-- and thing bullying is the only way ther can get something done
the tory have brokering a couple law all really so what a few more- i really do not think the tory really care--- ther think Canadian are so stupid that ther vote for them-- and you know the true in Alberta-- you could get a jackass for tory and a greatest man in the world for a other party-- glues what Alberta would vote for the jack ass
Posted by
dirtfarmer |
2:09 pm, January 12, 2009