Fresh Winds
From The Prairies
Welcome to Buckdog©!
- BUCKDOG© contains the opinions of a Canadian citizen journalist - Extreme Right wing nonsense is not tolerated well here. Abusive or libelous comments will be deleted. I am a former member of the Federal NDP who has left the Party because of it's current incompetent leadership!
One must understand; his use of the middle finger is just proof that, all too often, logic and words failed him!
Posted by
Scott MacNeil |
5:00 pm, January 19, 2009
Only Harding comes close.
Posted by
TB Tabby |
5:31 pm, January 19, 2009
I'd say Herbert Hoover gives them both a run for their money, but that Dubya Bush wins it.
Posted by
TS |
8:28 pm, January 19, 2009
As bad as Bush was, Carter was actually worse on a lot of levels. Remember stagflation, with 24% interest, 12% unemployment and 12% inflation, things were really bad. Reagan pretty much had a free ride coming in after Carter and by 1984 so many democrats voted for Reagan that they were called "Reagan Democrats".
Of course, the Iraq fiasco pretty much stands alone, as far as screw ups go.
Just the hope that Obama is inspiring will help to change the economy for the better. I don't like the $850,000,000,000 deficit budget right of the bat, but I don't like any deficit budget.
It will be interesting to watch the Obama Presidency, I wish him all the best.
Posted by
Trent |
7:57 am, January 20, 2009
This one's pretty bad you’ll have to admit. Interestingly he is a descendant (by his mother Barbara Pierce Bush) of the 14th and some say worst president ever, Franklin Pierce. Harding does on many historians' lists beat out Pierce but he rarely finishes worse than, well, second worst (sorry for that grammar). As for Trent's comment I offer this. The core of Reagan's monetarist fiscal team [which Reagan himself credited with the turnaround (ever heard of Paul Volker?)] were holdovers from Carter. Carter was a fiscal and social conservative. Unless you're deluding yourself you consider him to be the last fiscal conservative to hold the office of President of the United States.
Posted by
Unknown |
6:12 pm, February 06, 2009