Saskatchewan Main Stream Media Attacks New Democratic Leadership Candidates Meili and Lingenfelter
The most disturbing of two separate stories was an attempt by CTV affiliates to try and negatively portray Ryan Meili's attendance at the Summit of the Americas Conference in Quebec City in 2001. For starters, the issue that they raised occurred nearly a decade ago. A CTV reporter questioned Meili's protest activities towards globalization in what can only be described as an amateurish news segment.
For perspective, the Saskatoon Star Phoenix published an article in April, 2001 concerning the police brutality that Mr. Meili was subjected to while in Quebec City.
In another article:
"University of Saskatchewan law Prof. Tim Quigley said it’s not clear to him how police were justified in arresting the three men unless some Quebec provincial or municipal law gave them a right to clear the alley. If they had no such authority, then they were not lawfully carrying out their duties and no obstruction by the protesters was possible, he said."
Saskatoon Star Phoenix
January, 2003
The second example of recent negative MSM treatment of a candidate for the NDP Leadership was the April 15th article by Murray Mandryk concerning Dwain Lingenfelter:
"Well, notwithstanding all the big and little "p" politics in play here, Lingenfelter does deserve to be taken to task here. For one thing, it's absolute nonsense for the one-time NDP privatization critic, who vowed at the time to make Saskatchewan "ungovernable", to suggest his party could have done more. The 100-plus hours of NDP filibustering on the legislation to privatize the Potash Corp. was the longest debate in Saskatchewan legislative history and resulted in the use of foreclosure at the legislature for the first time."
Murray Mandryk
Regina Leader-Post
Saskatoon Star Phoenix
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