Public Consultations 'Be Damned' - Premier Wall Wants Nuclear Reactor Built In Saskatchewan
Regina Leader-Post
Premier Brad Wall's government simply can't resist the construction of a nuclear power reactor - under any guise - for purely ideological reasons
During the 2007 provincial election, Wall's election campaign platform said that if elected, he would investigate ways to add value to Saskatchewan's uranium resources but would consult widely with the public before any action occurred.
Public consultations have started but Wall is being criticised for the rapid timetable of the process.
Now, out of the blue - without Legislative approval or budgetary allocation of any kind - Wall has proclaimed that he wants to build a reactor (public consultations be damned), so that Saskatchewan can save the planet with the manufacture of medical isotopes. Right!
"Mr. Wall told the Globe and Mail on Friday the reactor would produce medical isotopes, topping up shortfalls created by the closing of Ontario's Chalk River facility. But the statement comes as the provincial government is holding public hearings to gauge public sentiment on reactor construction. Many people involved in those hearings said yesterday that Mr. Wall's comments suggest the public consultations are token efforts."
The Globe & Mail
The research reactor model suggested by the UDP report is the Australian OPAL reactor, which has been plagued by long delays and large cost overruns.
Posted by
Stephen |
3:49 pm, June 23, 2009
Not to mention the fact that Canada has two reactors capable of producing a comparable number of isotopes running only at 50% capacity, the Maple reactors.
Maybe Mr. Wall should talk to his old buddy Steve about getting those up and running for relatives cents on the dollar it would cost to build more new ones here.
In this instance Wall seems like that person who rushes into the water to pull the drowning girl out without realizing it's a movie set, and misses the obvious cameras/crew. He wants to be the nuke hero, so I'd say Bruce Power is promising him some mayjah post-political positions for getting nuclear plant built.
just my 2 cents.
Posted by
Anna |
4:27 pm, June 23, 2009
Nuclear costs billions more than renewable energy.
Posted by
Oemissions |
8:08 pm, June 23, 2009
Speaking of the MAPLE reactors they were designed (each one) to produce all the isotopes the world needs. Their shut down and the termination of the project was unnecessary and arbitrary. As the manager of the project says:
"I repeat: the tests did not fail. The tests were measuring contributions from various sources and the test
series was interrupted and terminated prematurely. The Maple reactor design is probably the safest
reactor design in existence since it actually has three shutdown systems, two fast and one slower."
His full (and obviously pissed off statement is here:
Posted by
croghan27 |
11:00 am, June 24, 2009
well, is fucking Dwain Lingenfelter going to do any better?
Lingenfelter campaigning for nuclear plant
Wednesday, October 26, 2005
"If (first CCF premier) Tommy Douglas were here, it would be exactly what he would be doing," said Lingenfelter Tuesday in a telephone interview from Calgary.
'cause Tommy would have built one... suuuuure...
and yes, i've read his *official position* - the attempt at fudging is clear
However, I do not support the construction of a nuclear reactor to generate power within Saskatchewan’s borders unless a public, transparent study has been conducted by a blue ribbon panel of independent experts, showing the people of Saskatchewan that such a project could be sustainable, from both the financial and environmental perspective.
"Saskatchewan has to become as user-friendly to the nuclear industry as it can possibly be," Lingenfelter said then [2005].
His position has moderated significantly in the leadership race, although he was the only candidate who didn't rule out the nuclear option altogether.
Posted by
bruno_canada |
1:54 pm, June 30, 2009
The significant difference I see is this. There actually 'IS' a New Democratic Party and it has a long history in this province of wrestling with complex issues in the whole Uranium debate. The will of the Party is not minor and its Leader simply would not put him/herself in open defiance of the party.
Wall, on the other hand. has a party that convenes and does not deal with policy or resolutions.
Posted by
leftdog |
2:19 pm, June 30, 2009