Saskatchewan New Democrats Choose Dwain Lingenfelter As Leader

Saskatchewan's Official Opposition New Democratic Party elected a new Leader today to replace the outgoing Lorne Calvert.
Here are the results of today's leadership election held in Regina:
First Ballot - (9444 Votes cast)
Dwain Lingenfelter: 4360
Ryan Meili: 2401
Yens Pedersen: 1380
Deb Higgins: 1303
(Higgins falls off and Pedersen withdraws)
Second Ballot - (9130 Votes cast)
Dwain Lingenfelter: 5028
Ryan Meili: 4102
CBC Saskatchewan has more ....
Leftdog, I have not always agreed with your analysis over the course of the leadership race but it is clear that your heart is in the right place (pardon the pun) and your loyalty to the party is both unquestionable and admirable.
Here is my analysis of the leadership race results and as always, you are of course free to agree or disagree.
The real winner is this race has to be seen as Ryan Meili.
Meili has gone from being a virtual unknown in the NDP a few short months ago to a very solid 25 per cent showing on the first ballot and then jumping another 20 points to 45 per cent on the second ballot. In spite of several distinct disadvantages - money, MLA endorsements and incumbency - Meili clearly won the hearts and minds of both the NDP membership and the media in this race.
On a lesser note, Pedersen has to be also seen as exceeding expectations.
Although she ran a clean and respectable campaign, finishing in fourth has to be seen as a disappointment for Higgins who was the only elected member in the race and only recent cabinet minister.
From the beginning, this race was Lingenfelter's to lose and the fact that he almost lost it can hardly be seen as a clear victory. At the end of the day, he and his team must take into account that 54 per cent of the NDP membership did not see him as the best person to lead the party. And, the at times arrogant way they ran their campaign and the Meadow Lake membership fiasco certainly did nothing to advance their cause.
That said, the ball now lies in Mr. Lingenfelter's court and if he wants to be competitive in the next election, which is only two years away, he best extend an olive branch to the three leadership campaigns that ran against him. This will mean a major restructuring in both the thinking and actions he and the key people around him have demonstrated thus far, not the other way around. Should he choose not to do this, it will only be to his own and the NDP's peril in the end.
Posted by
hunter s |
9:16 pm, June 06, 2009
A new generation has stepped forward and is taking its place in leading the party. While we do label one New Democrat the 'Leader' - leadership is actually a more collective responsibility. Ryan stands with the 'leaders' of the party.
Don't forget for one minute that when Allan Blakeney won the leadership in 1970, it was Roy Romanow who was with him on the final ballet. Romanow was a 'leader' of the party from that day on.
I expect no less of Dr. Ryan Meili.
Today at the convention, I saw two totally class moments:
-the first was Yens Pedersen when he withdrew his name from the second ballet, (when he could have continued) and his words to the membership;
-the second was Ryan Meili's speech after the 2nd ballot directed to both the Party and his supporters.
Posted by
leftdog |
10:01 pm, June 06, 2009
As a Saskparty member I am glad Link won, but objectively I have to say this guy will destroy your party and any chance of ever forming government in Saskatchewan again.
He will give the Green Party it's first real break through as Link is already weaseling around the no-nuke resolution. Not good...for your team, great for mine!
Posted by
Trent |
10:17 pm, June 07, 2009
Complete nonsense! If anything, the Sask Party has faced no real opposition since they were elected. For example, over this last winter, Saskatchewan residents paid the highest natural gas rates in Canada due to Sask Party incompetence (because they locked in at high prices). This in the province that produces most of Canada's natural gas. You have had a free ride since the fall of 2007. That ends now!
You are merely repeating a speaking point from the Sask Party Caucus Office that they 'are glad' Lingenfelter won. Stay tuned!
(and don't just take my word for it ... )
"Forget recent comments from anonymous Saskatchewan Party sources that Brad Wall would sooner run against Dwain Lingenfelter than the other NDP leadership hopefuls.
There might be some false bravado here. After all, why would Brad Wall prefer to run against the most battle-tested leadership candidate -- perhaps the most hard-nosed politician this province has produced -- who has shown during this leadership contest he's still eager to do what it takes to win?"
Murray Mandryk
Regina Leader Post
Posted by
leftdog |
11:21 pm, June 07, 2009
The following was posted by TRENT. It has been edited to remove names so that I am not in a situation of being sued for Libel/slander:
"It was just announced that the RCMP are doing a full criminal investigation into the Lingenfelter/NDP fraud case. They fully expect criminal charges to be laid.
My father had a hotel in Meadow Lake from 1977 to 1981. He knew xxxxxxx well. xxxxx has xxxxxxx. I doubt he wants to go back there for the last few years of his life. As I write this xxxxx is probably spilling his guts to the RCMP.
I was completely upfront when I said that the NDP should stay away from Link, he's bad news for the Saskatchewan NDP.
Meili was the man you should have chosen. Meili is a good man, politically misguided, but a good man.
The NDP will regret the day they chose Link over Meili."
Posted by
leftdog |
10:07 pm, June 11, 2009
Trent it is unfortunate that running to the RCMP has become a normal aspect of politics in Saskatchewan.
Posted by
leftdog |
10:26 pm, June 11, 2009
Although if the RCMP are always busy investigating frivolus political complaints from all sides, they won't be able to be out there Tasering people! ;)
2nd Postscript:
Funny how if the NDP is involved with an investigation, the MSM goes crazy and gives it top coverage. However when it is 4 Conservative Members of Parliament who played around with voters lists ... not so much!!
Posted by
leftdog |
10:40 pm, June 11, 2009
Well, I guess if a group of individuals in Saskatchewan know what prison is like then there is no better group to talk to then conservatives.
Posted by
Unknown |
1:07 pm, June 12, 2009
lol. What goes around comes around and the NDP are getting their comeuppance.
Posted by
Trent |
5:56 pm, June 12, 2009
So Trent,
You seem to be someone closely connected to the Meadow Lake investigation.
Why don't you tell us what you think the investigation is going to find and what will be the basis for criminal charges, if there are any?
Posted by
hunter s |
1:46 am, June 13, 2009
Will be interesting the future issues which come up for the SP in regards to legal issues.
Posted by
Unknown |
2:40 pm, June 15, 2009