Harper To His Tory MP's - ' shut your trap and run away from Wildrose Alliance'
That explained the vapor trail left behind by usually friendly MPs as they emerged from their weekly meeting to pause, listen to my question, and dash full throttle for office cover."
Don Martin
National Post Full Comment
Calgary Conservative MP, Rob Anders attended the Wildrose Leadership Convention on the weekend and Alberta PC's have their shirts in a knot! Harper clearly doesn't want a right wing family feud getting out of control in his back yard.
Here's betting that an angry Premier Stelmach phoned Harper in a real snit after Alberta's Health Minister Ron Liepert and Federal MP Anders got into it via the media.

In fairness, I'm not entirely sure how these responses are supposed to differ from what Martin would normally get from the Cons. Isn't "nothing to say", "some other time" or "no comment" their standard reply when there isn't a party soundbite developed on an issue?
Posted by
Greg Fingas |
8:47 am, October 23, 2009
Damn, I wanted the Conservative Party of Canada to slide into this mess :P
Posted by
kinch |
3:09 pm, October 23, 2009
Kinch, I think that some of the Tory MP's from Alberta will find it impossible to not get involved to some degree. There is going to be 'poaching' of volunteers as well as competition for $$ contribution from PC ranks by the Wildrose Alliance.
Posted by
leftdog |
3:32 pm, October 23, 2009
Keep an eye on this for more entertainment.
Nigel Hannaford is reported to have left the Calgary Herald to write speeches for Stephen Harper.
Before he left, Hannaford wrote in support of Smith, and I think I saw somewhere that his wife Judy actively campaigned for Smith.
I'm pretty sure Klein (Don Martin's buddy) and Harper hate each others' guts; I don't know about Stelmach.
Posted by
Holly Stick |
12:19 pm, October 26, 2009