Most Regimes That Ultimately Become Dictatorships Start Out By Suspending Their Parliamentary Body
Hitler schmitler .... Mussolini martini ... History proves that most budding dictatorships solidified their authoritarian control after suspending the parliamentary body of their respective nation.
Canadians who came out to the rallies on Saturday are doing a service to democracy in Canada. What service are Conservatives doing for democracy in this country????
-One Tory's Great Lengths To Discredit Rally
Lately the slavish harpercons have been saying that we're protesting something that's constitutional and legal.
The idiots say this after hooting and hollering like baboons over the entirely legal and constitutional coalition that was proposed to replace harper.
Their hypocrisy would be breathtaking if'n I wasn't already numb from repeated exposure to it.
It's not that harper prorogues. It's that he prorogues to avoid accountability. That's not what it was intended for and he's abusing the tendency of the G-G to submit to the "advice" of an elective representative.
We either have to tame the power of the PM perhaps by expanding the power of parliament, or grant G-G's the right to consult widely and independently decide if a prorogation (or something like it) is in the best interests of the country or whether it's being proposed by a scum-bag trying to subvert the will of the majority in parliament.
Posted by
thwap |
1:48 pm, January 25, 2010
Canada has had plenty of anti-democratic actions by both (so called) Liberals and Conservatives in the past.
Look at the War Measures Act - when all that was required was changing the police powers act - as suggested by Tommy Douglas and the NDP at the time.
Look at the violent response to the on-to-Ottawa trek in the '30s.
Look at the RCMP's illegal and immoral actions against Canadian citizens in the '70s that lead to the establishment of CSIS.
The use of agent provocateurs at demonstrations, eg (2007):
"Quebec provincial police admitted Thursday that three of their officers disguised themselves as demonstrators during the protest at the North American leaders summit in Montebello, Que."
The use of agent provocateurs at Canadian Universities
The padlock laws by the conservative allied Union National in Quebec up to the '60s
This is just a list off the top of my head - there are many other instances where the ruling right wing has used and abused its powers to suppress democratic expression.
Posted by
jmburton |
3:24 pm, January 25, 2010
If you're trying to say that no one in the Green Party, Liberals or NDP ever refer to Conservatives as Nazi's, I'm calling b@#&$h1t. I could quite easily see some radicals making such signs. I highly doubt they have any really political affiliation and probably don't even vote regularly. If Layton were Prime Minister (I am chuckling to myself as I type this) they would be comparing him to a Nazi. Same goes for Iggy or May.
You had a few nuts show up at your rally, so what? Idiots are attracted to crowds, move on.
Posted by
Trent |
9:08 pm, January 25, 2010
Trent .. it was the right wing conservative side of the political spectrum who dreamed up this bit of idiocy, proving once again that RIGHT Wingers can dish it out but sure can't take it. By the way .. early on in Hitler's term as leader of Germany, (long before the war and death camps) ... he suspended Germany's Parliament.
I am sorry if progressive people find what Harper is doing as absolutely UNDEMOCRATIC! He is a threat to democracy in this country. Period.
These two young Conservative fuck heads turned up at the rally in Regina on Saturday, DEMANDING that they be granted their right to 'free speech' .. problem is that they are supporting the SUPPRESSION of my free speech .. the ability of my political representatives in the House of Commons to speak and ask questions.
A lot of Canadians are getting sick and tired of the bull shit we are having to put up with from Conservatives!!!
Posted by
leftdog |
9:38 pm, January 25, 2010
'Liberal Fascism' is a great book, you should read it. No one has been able to disprove a single point made in that book. Jonah Goldberg not only defines fascism, something few people are able to do, he shows many examples of it's implementation around the world and in the United States of America.
The ultimate point that Jonah Goldberg tries to make with his book is that no political party in America today deserves to be called fascists.
So a couple of polite Conservative kids showed up at your rally; I haven't been to a Conservative rally yet where there wasn't a group of Socialists screaming "Nazi!" at me.
Posted by
Trent |
9:30 am, January 26, 2010
Liberal Fascism has been ridiculed and dispeled by both the left and right as a complete rewriting of history:
Austin W. Bramwell wrote in The American Conservative:
"Repeatedly, Goldberg fails to recognize a reductio ad absurdum. ... In no case does Goldberg uncover anything more ominous than a coincidence. ... In elaborating liberalism’s similarities to fascism, Goldberg shows a near superstitious belief in the power of taxonomy. ... Goldberg falsely saddles liberalism not just with relativism but with all manner of alleged errors having nothing to do with liberalism. ... Not only does Goldberg misunderstand liberalism, but he refuses to see it simply as liberalism... Liberal Fascism reads less like an extended argument than as a catalogue of conservative intellectual clichés, often irrelevant to the supposed point of the book. ... Liberal Fascism completes Goldberg’s transformation from chipper humorist into humorless ideologue."
In The Nation, Eric Alterman wrote:
"The book reads like a Google search gone gaga. Some Fascists were vegetarians; some liberals are vegetarians; ergo... Some Fascists were gay; some liberals are gay... Fascists cared about educating children; Hillary Clinton cares about educating children. Aha! ... Like Coulter, he's got a bunch of footnotes. And for all I know, they check out. But they are put in the service of an argument that no one with any knowledge of the topic would take seriously."
Journalist David Neiwert, wrote in The American Prospect that Goldberg
"has drawn a kind of history in absurdly broad and comically wrongheaded strokes. It is not just history done badly, or mere revisionism. It’s a caricature of reality, like something from a comic-book alternative universe: Bizarro history. ... Goldberg isn't content to simply create an oxymoron; this entire enterprise, in fact, is classic Newspeak. ... Along the way, he grotesquely misrepresents the state of academia regarding the study of fascism."
Don't waste your hard earned money on such idiocy!!
As for you being called a Nazi by Socialists at Conservative rallies ...........
Posted by
leftdog |
9:48 am, January 26, 2010
P.S. Trent .. I just sent you an email about getting together for drinks in Saskatoon as soon as my eye heals enough to travel there. Thanks.
Posted by
leftdog |
10:44 am, January 26, 2010
"The book reads like a Google search gone gaga. Some Fascists were vegetarians; some liberals are vegetarians; ergo... Some Fascists were gay; some liberals are gay... Fascists cared about educating children; Hillary Clinton cares about educating children. Aha! ... Like Coulter, he's got a bunch of footnotes. And for all I know, they check out. But they are put in the service of an argument that no one with any knowledge of the topic would take seriously."
Bingo! that is the entire point of the book is that no one in American politics today should be refered to as a fascist. I stated that in my post. Drawing simple similarities between 2 groups of people does not make them the same. If you had read the entire book you would know this.
Posted by
Trent |
1:44 pm, January 26, 2010