The Conservative Anger Machine

Brian Topp's op/ed in the April 27th Globe & Mail is a great analysis of Speaker Milliken's decision concerning the Afghan detainee documents. Mr. Topp made one statement that has particularly stuck in my mind:
".... Mr. Milliken can now look forward to a taste of the conservative anger machine ..."
Canada's political scene is still coming to terms with the way that the Harperite communications crew operate. They are obnoxious. They are loud. They are vicious. They are generally unreasonable. They are sarcastic and cynical. They are usually angry or outraged. They are a threat to reasonable political discourse in Canada.
The Conservative Anger Machine began spewing their frothing crap seconds after Milliken finished his speech to the House of Commons:
"At the end of the day, Iggy & Layton are a couple spineless wets. Want to go to the polls on Taliban prisoners? Not likely."
Kory Teneycke Tweet
"Gov. is right. Crown prerogative is about Ntl security (& not new). This is all about electoral politics for Liberals & sport for the media"
Kory Teneycke Tweet
"This seems typical of Canadian politics RT @yycconservative: The final decision: NO DECISION!!!! "
Stephen Taylor Tweet
"I hear that Peter Milliken is a card-carrying Liberal!"
Stephen Taylor Tweet
"Election anyone?"
Stephen Taylor Tweet
"So let's have it out. Let's call the question. And let's not let a single Speaker of the House -- however competent -- make the decision. Let's not even put it to the nine Supreme Court judges. Why should just one Canadian vote on it, or just nine? How about all of us? Let's all vote on whether or not the likes of Ignatieff, Malhi and Wrzesnewskyj -- and, moments later, their friends at the Toronto Star and CBC -- should have access to the most sensitive security information. Let's all take sides -- the Liberals and NDP can side with their friends Omar Khadr, Maher Arar, and the Taliban, and the Conservatives can side with our Canadian Forces. Let's put it to a question."
Ezra Levant blog post -'Election Now!'
"The ruling has precipitated the expectation that the government will not comply with the demand, forcing a confidence vote and an election. If it does come to that, there will be hell to pay for downing the government over such a peripheral, unimportant issue. It’s bad enough that Canada has completely dropped the ball on the Afghan mission, turning what was supposed to be a Parliamentary Commission on the mission in Afghanistan to report on and recommend changes and improvements in the country, into something of an arm of the opposition party to investigate ridiculous second-hand torture claims. But to actually defeat the government over something that happened over three years ago, and mainly because of a flawed transfer agreement initially created in haste by the dithering outgoing Liberal-Martin government, is just too much. To watch the opposition play political games over a mission as important as the one in Afghanistan is nothing short of disgusting."
Unambiguously Ambidextrous blog post - 'There Will Be Blood!'
Notice all the bluster about an 'election' ... this coming from a party that is at 29% in the polls!
As I've blogged previously, the Cons had a perfectly reasonable political cover on this issue. The Martin Liberals created this fiasco by transfering prisoners with no conditions and then by throwing together a fundamentally flawed agreement as they were leaving office. It would have been arguably correct for the Cons to claim at least some degree of moral high ground.
The fact that they didn't shows just how stupid they really are.
The fact that they didn't understand that it would have been moral high ground shows just how ethically challenged they are.
Posted by
Malcolm+ |
11:39 am, April 28, 2010
Sure Martin's agreement was faulty, but instead of blaming the libruls for all his misfortunes, he could have corrected the situation. All that twisting and running away Steve has pulled proves as much.
I notice How Brother Steve is not so quick to give Libruls credit when something good happens because of them. Just sayin'
Posted by
CK |
8:15 pm, April 28, 2010