Canada Drops Bid For Security Council Seat After Coming In 3rd Place After Second Ballot
CTV News
Globe & Mail
"Canada has dropped its bid for a seat on the United Nations Security Council after coming behind Portugal in second ballot voting Tuesday in New York."
The foreign relation and policies are in a dreadful state, all thanks to Harper and his gang.
Had we had any other government, we'd have been a lead-pipe cinch on the first ballot.
The guys have gotta go.
Yesterday it was the UAEmirates, today the UN, and what all else during the week when the House is not in session.
Posted by
Anonymous |
12:42 pm, October 12, 2010
I cannot help but feel a sense of schadenfreude over this news. This morning CBC was reporting that it was likely that Canada had enough pledged votes to win a seat at the big table. I went off to work mighty annoyed about that because it was worth it to me for Canada to be embarrassed on the world stage just so that I could gloat at the Cons over it.
I am however mindful of the brave men and women who have lost their lives in Afghanistan and that fact does give me great pause. That our soldiers gave their lives in that war and yet we've still been snubbed by the UN dishonours them and their sacrifice.
Losing to Portugal makes Harpo and his band of neocon thugs look so very very bad on many levels, which delights me to no end. Shame on me...
Posted by
Elliott Taylor |
6:09 pm, October 12, 2010