Harper Repackages Failed 'Trickle Down'Economics As 'Corporate Tax Cuts'
Here we go again. Another flawed tenet of right wing ideology is going to be tried yet again by the mindless Harper Conservatives. Here is the plan ... give Billions of borrowed dollars to the largest corporations (banks, car manufacturers, etc.) and these dollars will be invested in the economy by the big capitalists creating jobs and prosperity. Problem is that this ideology has failed time after time after time.
Essentially, the concept is that if you give a bushel of oats to a big old horse, the oats will work their way out of the arse end of the horse and the little sparrows can pick through the crap and find some of the oats to eat.
Trickle Down Economics is a pillar of the Right's failed ideology. It basically feeds the corporate sector with borrowed money that the taxpayers have to repay. It works VERY well for the Corporate sector. It doesn't work that well for the little sparrows .. I mean working taxpayers.
Harper is going to fight hard to give Billions of borrowed dollars to the rich, corporate sector. Already, Right wing 'double speak' is being used by the Conservatives. Harper has already labeled the demands for cancellation of these proposed tax cuts as a 'tax increase'! Total dishonesty ... but that is what we have come to expect from Stephen Harper.
-Highly Unlikely NDP Will Support Massive Tax Cut For The Corporate Rich
-Harper Plans Campaign To Promote Corporate Tax Cuts - businessweek.com
I've been having a hilarious time with Conservatives over this one. Some of them are trying to claim that corporate tax cuts are ultimately paid by consumers, so they make no sense.
My reply? Costs don't decide prices, supply and demand do.
Supply and demand. Remember that one?
If costs determined prices, does anyone really believe that cutting the corporate tax rate will reduce prices? Please...
Posted by
Mark Richard Francis |
11:06 am, January 27, 2011
I love the Cartoon..perhaps you can add the jobs in china help fund that country's human atrocities..like what they have done and are doing to the tibetans....We are so busy chasing after China's funds we forget about their genocide...
the photo on face book, stiff and stupid ;0)
Posted by
Unknown |
11:47 am, August 29, 2012