Saskatchewan Progressive Bloggers

Those who know Saskatchewan are aware that politics here is akin to a blood sport. Passionate politics is an element of life in our prairie province, going back to the days of the Great Depression.
For those interested in things Saskatchewanaise, you may want to bookmark Saskatchewan Progressive Bloggers.
Here are our contributors:
-Accidental Deliberations
-Canadian Political Viewpoints
-Daily photos of Regina
-Enormous Thriving Plants
-Giant Political Mouse
-Head Tale - Yet Another Librarian's Blog :: Main Page
-Informed on Information
-Larry Hubich's Blog
-Next Year Country
-Owls and Roosters
-Politics & Poetry
-prairie dog magazine | dog blog
-Sask Party Watch
-Saskboy’s Abandoned Stuff – Site News
-Simple Massing Priest
-The Louis Riel Trail
-the regina mom
-The Wheatsheaf
Leftdog, SPP stopped updating on my blogroll a couple of months ago. Since moving up the blogroll is how I know to check things, I'vce basically stopped going there.
Is there a way to fix that?
Posted by
Malcolm+ |
2:44 pm, January 31, 2011
hey Malcolm. It actually fell right off my sidebar so that means there is some trouble at the source itself. I will see what I can do and get back to you.
Posted by
leftdog |
3:23 pm, January 31, 2011