Saskatchewan's NewsTalkRadio Comes To Sarah Palin's Defence
This blog was named a number of times this morning on the Right wing call in show hosted by defeated Conservative Member of Parliament, John Gormley. Mr. Gormley was particularly angry at this post that I published on January 8th concerning Sarah Palin's cross hairs map..
For my readers who are not familiar with him, John Gormley is the disgraced former MP who now hosts a lame imitation of Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh on the Saskatchewan air waves. At the fall of the corrupt Grant Devine administration in Saskatchewan, Gormley was found to have been in receipt of huge amounts of tax payers money for which no tangible service seems to have been rendered.
The following Canadian Press article appeared in the Regina Leader-Post - after the defeat of the Conservative Devine government and the findings of the Gass Commission inquiry:
"The defeated conservative MP was paid $1000.00 a month by the Grant Devine government as a “public relations consultant” while he was a full-time student at law school.
John Gormley was paid by the Saskatchewan Liquor Board during the first year of his three years at law school, according to a contract obtained by the Canadian Press.
The contract was signed in September 1989 under the administration of Devine.
Gormley, now 34* (*this was in 1992) represented the northern Saskatchewan riding of Battlefords-Meadow Lake for one term before being defeated in the 1988 federal election by New Democrat Len Taylor.
Less than two months after the election, Gormley signed a contract with the provincial government that paid him $5000.00 a month for unspecified services for the since-disbanded Department of Public Participation.
In the fall of 1989, Gormley signed on as a public relations consultant for the Provincial Liquor Board at a salary of $1000.00 a month, with an additional $175.00 and expenses for each day he actually worked for the Crown board.
At the same time, John was a full time student at the University of Saskatchewan’s school of law. He cancelled the contract in April 1990.
All told, the radio journalist may have been paid up to $48,000.00 by the PC government.
Gormley, who graduated from law school last month (June ‘92) confirmed the terms of both contracts in an interview.
“I did a retainer arrangement where I did public relations work with the (liquor) board itself.” he said. ” I was doing communications consulting work as a former broadcaster.”
Gormley said his political connections likely helped him get the liquor board contract.
“I was somebody with a relatively high profile in the province. The fact that I was a former Tory MP, I’m sure had some effect on the government.
Gormley said he did a number of public relations jobs for the liquor board during his month contract, but would not say how many hours he worked.
“I can’t comment on that.” he said.
Liquor board spokesman Holly Alexander said there is no record of what Gormley did during the period covered by the contract.
“There’s nothing on file to indicate exactly what Mr. Gormley did for the liquor board,” she said. ”At this point, we just don’t know.”
Chris Wattie
The Canadian Press
(Regina Leaderpost: June 27, 1992)
You can listen to Mr. Gormley spew RIGHT wing venom and hate daily on NewsTalkRadio.
Oh, THISJohn Gormley. Thanks for the background info on him.
If your post upset him than I hope he will not be informed of the other 7,670 other blogs that have mentioned Sarah's crosshairs map in the past three days.
Posted by
sassy |
5:08 pm, January 10, 2011
Yup that John Gormley. He mentioned me a number of times but none of the other 7670 blogs that you mention. Gormley works for Rawlco Radio who have aligned themselves politically with Brad Wall and the RIGHT wing Saskatchewan party. I hear rumours that Gormley is going to leave NewsTalkRadio to work for the new RIGHT wing Sun network .. perhaps this fall.
Posted by
leftdog |
5:32 pm, January 10, 2011
That you can stomach NTR at all astounds me. It angers up my blood too much and I'm supposed to be taking care of my blood pressure.
I rarely give Rawlco any of my listening time. I recall the sophomoric jokes told by the Rawlco-owned C95 morning crew after the 2010 Saskatoon LGBT Pride Parade. Nothing really nasty just high-school level humour, but they did make some sport of the LGBT community. Wired 96 on the other hand, run by Harvard Broadcasting, donated cash to the event and featured dozens of photos on their web site celebrating the event. I'd rather give some loyalty to people who affirm and respect me. This kills me because I really like Jack FM here in Regina. I just wish someone else ran the station.
I don't know what people were thinking in the 80's, we elected a gas station attendant over Roy Romanow and elected folks like Rick Folk, John Gormley and Gay Caswell at all. That whole decade remains an extremely unpleasant memory for me.
BTW Happy New Year Dawg!
Posted by
Elliott Taylor |
6:15 pm, January 10, 2011
Thought this might interest you:
Saskatchewan women send News Talk radio a Dear John letter
Posted by
Larry Hubich |
7:10 pm, January 10, 2011
Thanks Larry! That is a pretty telling indication of how low Gormley and NTR's ratings are. I knew the sweeps showed they were not doing very well but this clearly demonstrates it. I know that Gormley feels that what he is doing is just good fun and he calls it 'news entertainment' ... but there is something very disturbing about the depth of the hatred he articulates against you, Dwain Lingenfelter, and basically anyone who is not a conservative.
Posted by
leftdog |
7:21 pm, January 10, 2011
The good news is, according to the latest BBM's (Bureau of Broadcast Measurement) Gormley and the Rawlinson Brothers' Newstalk Radio are at the bottom of the ratings, behind CBC and every other broadcaster.
More people need to know the truth about this Rush Limgbaugh, Glenn Beck, Ann Coulter, Bill O'Reilly wannabe. Just another right-wing, hate spewing windbag with a tiny band of followers of the same ilk.
By the way, it should be noted that this same Rawlinson clan was part of the gang that took the taxpayers of Saskatchewan for millions in their failed Pioneer Trust debacle.
Posted by
nixonreaganbush |
7:54 pm, January 10, 2011
Yeah, but his logo is green, so it's all good, I guess.
Posted by
double nickel |
10:41 pm, January 10, 2011