Brad Trost Conservative VS Denise Kouri, New Democrat - Saskatoon Humboldt, Saskatchewan
The above video is from an 'all candidates' forum for Saskatoon Humboldt Riding in Saskatchewan. Here is an excerpt of Brad Trost, Conservative candidate (& incumbent MP) and Denise Kouri, NDP candidate. The forum did not allow direct exchange between candidates.
Brad Trost says that the majority of voters in the Riding are social conservatives. Denise Kouri begs to differ.
Interesting points raised at the forum on the issue of reproductive rights, sexual health and the election in general.
Any male with a real penis would understand that if you put on a condom there would be less problems with unwanted children.
When potential mothers do not want a child, that means she did not want to be a mother in the first place...she just wanted sex...can you understand that BRAD TROST?
Obviously, if you were born in1974, you feel " entitled".
And being into mining , you are an expert on
You drill ROCKS?
That was your living..for OIL?
Can we look into your background and truly find out what is your real complaint...maybe it's about your penis?
The point really is, YOU are not PREGNANT..the WOMAN is pregnant and if SHE does NOT want to be a mother for 21 years it is NONE of your HICK business...women and men agreed on the right for women to CHOOSE.
If you would like to have an operation and become a WOMAN, that is your right and then YOU can choose, too.
Until then, as Gloria Steinem once said, and more than forty years ago, " ...if men could get pregnant, abortions would be a sacrament".....grow up or get a sex change.
Posted by
Anonymous |
1:15 am, October 07, 2011