I Just Sat In The Same Room With Jack Layton - Bob Rae - Roy Romanow - Brad Wall - Bill Davis - Ed Schreyer - Peter Lougheed - Ed Broadbent - Lorne Calvert - Grant Devine ....
-Global Toronto: "Former Saskatchewan Premier Allan Blakeney remembered at memorial service"
-Canadian Press - Blakeney Memorial
I missed the memorial due to a prior commitment. I trust that AEB got the send-off he deserved.
Posted by
Malcolm+ |
6:17 pm, May 07, 2011
He did indeed. When I opened the program for the service, I was stunned at who the speakers would be:
-Former Sask Premier Roy Romanow
-Current Sask Premier Brad Wall
-Leader of Sask Opposition Dwain Lingenfelter
-Former Sask Premier Lorne Calvert
-Former Ontario Premier Bill Davis
-Former Alberta Premier Peter Lougheed
-Former Man. Premier and Gov Gen Ed Schreyer
-Former Ontario Premier Bob Rae
Also in attendance was:
-Leader of the Federal Opposition Jack Layton
-Former Leader of the NDP Ed Broadbent
-Former Sask Premier Grant Devine
Historic. Period.
Posted by
leftdog |
7:33 pm, May 07, 2011
That must have been a strange room to be in leftdog!
Posted by
susansmith |
11:00 pm, May 07, 2011
If you are a student of modern Canadian history or PoliSci, just seeing all of these modern 'Fathers of Confederation' was a pretty amazing thing.
Posted by
leftdog |
11:47 pm, May 07, 2011
Premier Blakeney, thank-you for your public service to both Saskatchewan & our country. May you Rest in Peace.
Posted by
Scott MacNeil |
11:52 pm, May 07, 2011
yeah, I'm sure it was. Well except for Brad Wall. He was no father of confederation. And nor was Grant Devine - the Con crook!
Posted by
susansmith |
6:06 am, May 08, 2011