And As Parliament Debates The Use Of CDN Ground Troops In Libya, The MSM Reports On Layton's Travel Plans !??
-Globe & Mail
-The Star
I dunno ... call me old fashioned. After the death of so many Canadians in Afghanistan, you would think that maybe a little attention just might be shown by our MSM to the possibility of even more deaths .. this time in Libya!
But hey .. it IS Jane Taber we are talking about after all, isn't it???
Posted by
leftdog |
2:10 pm, June 14, 2011
Perhaps the NDP needs to be more media conscious now that Jack is poised to move into Stornoway. At the very least Yvon Godin could stop running his mouth with talking points that serve no real purpose.
Posted by
Elliott Taylor |
8:45 pm, June 15, 2011