Fresh Winds
From The Prairies
Welcome to Buckdog©!
- BUCKDOG© contains the opinions of a Canadian citizen journalist - Extreme Right wing nonsense is not tolerated well here. Abusive or libelous comments will be deleted. I am a former member of the Federal NDP who has left the Party because of it's current incompetent leadership!
Would Harper take a cut in salary, and reduce his pension? How about his ministers and mlas? What about all of the government officials, all across Canada taking a cut in salary, and a reduction in their pensions? That would be a huge savings for the tax payers.
There are very few politicians in Canada, worth the powder to blow them to hell.
Harper is the worst P.M. in the history of this country. He has embarrassed Canadians, countless times. He cost Canada our seat in the U.N. He embarrassed us in Copenhagen, over greenhouse gases. That was because, Harper supports the dirtiest energy in the world, the dirty Alberta tar sands.
Every meeting of Nations, Harper always manages to piss off, everyone else attending. He refused to co-operate with the other country's, attending this last meeting.
Wikileaks say, the N.A.U. is on the way. This has been Harper's evil agenda all along. The American people despise Harper. They say his election win was rigged. That I can believe, every-one hates him, more everyday.
He is causing trouble, in the House of Commons as well.
Wikileaks also said, the American politicians say, Harper is a petty gasbag. He is considered, arrogant, stubborn and impossible to work with. Harper is a paranoid dictator. He trusts no-one because, he knows he can't be trusted himself.
So Harper should be doing a roll-back, starting with himself first.
Posted by
Gloria |
12:14 pm, June 25, 2011