The TRUTH About The Economy That Conservative Voters Are Too Stupid To Comprehend
With most of the capital in the economy having flowed to the top few percentage points of the population, the working middle class is simply not able to generate the spending that is needed to revive from recession. Harper's ongoing corporate tax cuts are actually making things worse and worse. But Conservative voters are too stupid to understand.
Canada isn't in recession...
Posted by
UncleMeat |
2:16 pm, June 16, 2011
Two things about Uncle Meat's comment:
1) Here is what I wrote "...the spending that is needed to revive from recession." - Yes revive from the recession that the irrepsonsible 'unfettered free-market' assholes put the World in'. No where did I say we were 'in' recession.
2)What Uncle Meat did here is a classic Right Wing communications strategy. They call it 'deflection' - use any method to change to discussion from the original topic you wish to deflect.
Nice try Uncle Meat.
Posted by
leftdog |
1:15 pm, June 27, 2011