Conservative Senator Wants To Encourage Suicide As Part Of Canada's Justice System - UPDATED
"A tough-on-crime Conservative senator who said murderers should be provided with the tools to kill themselves in jail sparked a furor during Question Period on Wednesday.
“Each assassin should have the right to a rope in his cell to make a decision about his or her life,” senator Pierre-Hugues Boisvenu told reporters ahead of a meeting of the Conservative caucus on Wednesday.
The NDP raised the furor during Question Period, pointing out that encouraging suicide is an illegal act in Canada.
“The death penalty debate in Canada has been closed for decades. Why are the Conservatives reopening the old debate?” Interim NDP Leader Nycole Turmel said."
Globe & Mail
'... oops .. sorry.' says Conservative Senator - (after quick, sharp ass-kick from the PMO)..
"You stuff the Senate full of hacks and flaks and Tory idiots and you're going to get some stupid comments. Whoever put him there should apologize on his behalf if he's too stupid to apologize himself."
Pat Martin
Opposition MP
If only they were an unwanted child growing in their mothers womb, or a person with a fatal disease seeking assisted suicide from a fully licensed physician, then we could all support their right to choose death, right?
These moral positions our society is taking up are requiring greater levels of flexibility!
Posted by
Adam |
11:08 pm, February 02, 2012
Canadians are so mediocre when it comes to, well, any wrongdoing done to them, the best thing we can ask from the wrongdoer is an apology.
Posted by
Canadian Patriot |
11:53 am, February 03, 2012