New Brunswick blogger charged with 'criminal libel' against a Frederickton police office - Computer seized! HUH?!!
-CBC: 8 Frederickton Police Officers Try To Silence Blogger
-Charles LeBlanc's Blogsite
-Silencing Fredericton's Gadfly - Justice in the 21st Century
-Citizen Journalist - Charles Leblanc - back blogging after Police seize his computer equipment!
"Criminal libel", which means that he was charged with writing something that a police officer didn't like. OR that he wrote bad things about a policeman that, despite the horrors he's seen on the beat, somehow made him cry.
This is what happens when we live under a constitutional monarchy. This is what makes the Charter of Rights and Freedoms a joke: it's meant to quell the "common rabble", not to protect the people from the abuses of government, a government that is hereditary, elitist, calls elections on a whim and shuts down the legislature.
The Charter is a joke. It has always been. A rag that is as useless as a figurehead for a head of state.
Posted by
Canadian Patriot |
5:46 pm, January 24, 2012
Does anyone remember Officer Bubbles? The extremist cop who arrested someone over bubbles? He attempted to sue someone for cartoons that, among other things, earned him death threats. Rather than suing the person who made the cartoons, which were harmless, he should've used his police skills to track down and arrest the person who made the threats. Why? Because he's a goddamned moron. I mean, these people, who are paid too much, too closely knit, and influence politics at all levels of government, have to put up with seeing the maimed and the dead at every stage of decomposition and horror, yet somehow buckle when harmless cartoons are made for rightfully mocking them for their extremism.
And another thing: since when was a federal matter up to the Province to deal with it?
Posted by
Canadian Patriot |
2:49 am, January 25, 2012