How Canada Could / Should Disentangle Itself From Its Idiotic Attachment To The British Monarch

(The future Canadian Monarch - King Charles III - ..... no thanks ....)
"A three-step process should be considered. First, Ottawa should hold a national referendum on a Yes-or-No question: “Should Canada sever ties with the British monarchy?” A simple majority would be sufficient to proceed further. Second, if the answer is yes, a federal commission (please don’t call it a “royal commission”) should examine how we could select a head of state.
The commission, with a one-year mandate, could be appointed jointly by the prime minister and provincial premiers. The commission could look at various models for choosing a head of state, such as direct election or appointment by the federal Parliament. Third, a second referendum would be held on the commission’s top two recommended methods of choosing the next head of state.
The entire process, including the formality of each province agreeing to the necessary constitutional amendments, should take just two years. Once completed, Ottawa could delay any formal severing of ties until the Queen died. That would show respect for the Queen, who has served us graciously — and save us from scraping and bowing to the next King of Canada.
The Star
I was raised in a strong Republican home. I come by it honestly as my family is from the Republic of Ireland.