Fresh Winds
From The Prairies
Welcome to Buckdog©!
- BUCKDOG© contains the opinions of a Canadian citizen journalist - Extreme Right wing nonsense is not tolerated well here. Abusive or libelous comments will be deleted. I am a former member of the Federal NDP who has left the Party because of it's current incompetent leadership!
We are still stuck with Harper for a few more years. As the saying goes, a week is an eternity in politics. Harper will find all sorts of tricks up his sleeve to steal the next election. He is using Bush/Cheney handbook and they "won" twice. We should play the role of the tortoise and let Harper be the hare. Slow and steady and patience. Mature debate is the key, while the Harpers sling mud that does not stick.
Posted by
Vahan |
10:27 am, July 01, 2012