Oh Boo Hoo! ... 'Conservative Caucus Horrifically Depressed " - Hill Times

I had a good belly laugh at the headline on today's Hill Times article:
"PM’s Conservative caucus ‘horrifically depressed’ about Senate expenses scandal, brand takes big hit, say Tories"
"The majority-governing Conservative caucus is “horrifically depressed” and “disappointed” that three of their Senators appointed by Prime Minister Stephen Harper are embroiled in an explosive housing and travel expense scandal that is putting a major blow to their brand and party, say Conservatives and political insiders.
“Caucus is horrifically depressed. They are more depressed than angry,” said one Conservative insider, who did not want to be identified. “It’s hurting the government, it’s a distraction. It’s hurting the Conservative brand and the party more than the government because it’s a fundamental to who we are as Conservatives. It’s a blow to the brand because we actually care. We came to Ottawa to fix this.”
The Hill Times
I do hope that the federal Tory Caucus IS depressed .... now they get an idea of what the vast majority of Canadians have been feeling about them!
There is no decency, ethics nor morals left in this country, what-so-ever. Canada is a cesspool of corruption especially since, Harper's so called majority.
Problem is, Harper is a Dictator. The RCMP are under Harper and Toews control. Harper will lie his way out of this, as he usually does. We all saw what Elections Canada ruled, Yves Corte was installed into E.C. He works for Harper. Harper has also installed many of his Conservative judges. So, the courts are also corrupt.
If the P.M. can give this country to Communist China? Harper is capable of every evil in the book.
Posted by
Anonymous |
10:31 am, May 27, 2013
Sure but will they care after Harper has a summer recess to launder the stink out of the scandal? If the Conservative caucus genuinely cared about the country nearly as much as their concern for themselves, they wouldn't be depressed - they would be angry, furious and not with Nigel Wright, not with Mike Duffy, Wallin or Brazeau but with the instrument of corruption who heads their caucus.
There may be a few but most of them are not angry with Harper who has sold them, yet again, on the fantasy of himself being a victim.
Posted by
The Mound of Sound |
12:24 pm, May 27, 2013
I listened in horror this morning to two CPC voters being interviewed on "The Current". While expressing disapproval and disappointment on the current scandal, both allowed that they are still going to vote Conservative.
Reminded me of this:
"[I could not lose unless I was] caught in bed with a dead girl or a live boy."
- Edwin W Edwards, Governor of Louisiana (on 1983 race against David C Treen, recalled on his grand jury indictment for racketeering and fraud, Time 11 Mar 85)
Posted by
Some Old Guy |
4:57 pm, May 27, 2013
Great observation Some Old Guy. I actually know some people like that. I think the key for progressives is to ensure that all of this corruption is at least brought forward. Hopefully, rabid Con supporters will just pass on voting for their team next time.
FYI .. I love your blog!
Posted by
leftdog |
7:07 pm, May 27, 2013