Only One Major Federal Political Party WILL Abolish The Corrupt Crime Ridden Canadian Senate .. and it isn't the Liberals or Conservatives!

-Senate in ‘crisis’ as committee recommends two members pay back expenses
-Senators ordered to repay housing and mileage expenses
-Sen. Mac Harb quits Liberal caucus after audit of housing allowance claims
-Audit does little to silence Senate critics amid housing allowance controversy
-Duffy held “informal conversation” with chair of Senate committee leading expense claims investigation
-Brazeau, Harb must pay back housing, mileage expenses: Senate report
-Abolish The Senate - Why The NDP Won’t Appoint Senators
So in addition to allowing the country to fall apart, you also want to provide no checks and balances? And give Harper more power?
Posted by
Canadian Patriot |
12:02 am, May 10, 2013
No federal government has the constitutional power to abolish the Senate. Even if a star appeared in the east and the NDP somehow achieved the electoral equivalent of virgin birth they still have to live within the constitutional framework of Canada. Ottawa U has a decent law school. Perhaps Tom can nip over there for a little refresher on constitutional law.
Posted by
The Mound of Sound |
10:58 am, May 10, 2013
:) don't completely throw your hands up in frustration. There actually are a couple of legal measures that could be done within the framework of the existing constitution that would allow for 'senate approval' to be provided without an actual 100 or so Senators having to vote on a Bill from the House of Commons. The only reason that the Libs and Conservatives don't want to do anything about it is because it is a patronage dump/opportunity for their friends.
A similar argument has been made by some anti- monarchists who stress that the 'Crown' as referred to in the constitution, charter, etc. could actually be vacant .. doesn't actually need to have a warm body filling it. Hence .. when Elizabeth passes, Canada will simply consider the crown vacant AND Charles would not be recognized upon his coronation as being the 'crown' in Canada. Rather, Canada's 'crown' would remain (permanently) vacant. This measure would (at a minimum) end our immediate attachment to the monarch of a foreign country, and serve as a first step towards ultimately removing the medieval concept of 'monarchy' from our constitution, charter and laws.
Posted by
leftdog |
3:00 pm, May 10, 2013