Thomas Mulcair Feels Wrath Of Rookie Gate Attendant On Parliament Hill ....

It's sort of comical watching the Conservatives go through contortions trying to equate difficulties the Leader of the Official Opposition experienced this morning with a new employee (working the gate on Parliament Hill) with their numerous ethical, legal and moral sins.
To hear the Conservatives tell it, Mulcair's traffic difficulty is equal to Conservative sins such as:
-the missing $3.1Billion tax dollars
-the $90,000 mystery cheque to Senator Mike Duffy
-the mysterious resignation of Nigel Wright from the PMO
-Speaker Scheer's blatant disregard and defiance of the Chief Electoral Officer
-the whitewash of the Senate Report on Mike Duffy by Senator Tkachuk
Equivalency?? No way!
Dear Conservatives .... show us the $90,000 Nigel Wright cheque!!
CTV News
OTTAWA - The RCMP says there's enough evidence to start a criminal investigation into the $90,000 the prime minister's chief of staff gave to Sen. Mike Duffy to cover bogus housing claims.