The Flotsam And Jetsam That Is The Conservative Federal Caucus ....
A defeated, yet still highly offensive group of political like minds will join together in Ottawa today. They are known as the Conservative Party of Canada Federal Caucus. While in power they raised the debt of Canada by tens of billions. They enriched their corporate sponsors with embarrassingly huge amounts of tax dollars. They badly dented the CDN Charter of Rights and Freedoms. They are, and remain, a disgrace to the nation.
I hope they wallow in their well deserved misery for a long time.
If there was one ounce of political decency in the room, they would bounce Stephen Harper out of their Caucus, and force him to sit alone in Parliament as an independent member. They will not. They are too brow beaten and too scared to do anything substantive.
Internal rot has enveloped them. I can smell the stink from here .....
"A defeated, yet still highly offensive group of political like minds" Well said!
Posted by
Unknown |
9:16 am, November 05, 2015
Yes, Yes, Yes. Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition. They actually chose Rona Ambrose as interim leader. It hardly gets any better than that.
Posted by
The Mound of Sound |
4:43 pm, November 05, 2015
Stevie the Skulker came into the caucus meeting through a side door freight loading entrance, so as to encounter only tradesmen asking questions like, "Who are you, anyway?"
And now, tada! Rona the Magnificent as interim leader will focus her laser-like brain on proceedings and get Stornaway to snooze in when she isn't busy being confused by life.
Lisa Raitt is the only Con with a decent brain and attitude, so maybe they're keeping her in reserve.
Posted by
Unknown |
7:47 pm, November 05, 2015