Minister John Baird Is Best Tory For Environment Portfolio
Well, number one, he can yell VERY loud in the House of Commons. To be the Tory Environment Minister, you must be able to bully your voice over any other voice in the Commons. Since the Tories haven’t a clue concerning the environment, and since the polling shows that Canadians want action, Minister Baird is required to holler and yell in the absence of any tangible and realistic initiatives by the government.
Number two, he has just the right amount of snarkiness* necessary to display an aura of utter disdain for any substantive suggestions that may come from the opposition. Baird has that unique ability to furrow his brow and slightly curl his upper lip so that sufficient contempt is communicated to the other political parties and the press.
Number three, Baird has mastered the use of political spin and memorization of the mindless lines that have been developed by the back room boys to deflect any and all criticism of the Tory flip flop on environmental policy.
John Baird is a natural choice for Minister of the Environment in Harper’s cabinet. Loud voice, snarkey contempt, and ability to stick to script.
Go John go!
Snark, is a derivative word from snarky, "Irritable or short-tempered; irascible" from Dutch and Low German snorken, of imitative origin. Refers to a belittling or sarcastic style of speech or writing. It could loosely be described as irritable, backhanded or "snidely derisive"; hence, 'snarkish', 'snarky', 'to snark at somebody'. It does not necessarily have negative connotations and can be used humorously.
tag john baird kyoto
He's reducing our dependence on petroleum products by putting them all in his hair - that's my theory.
Posted by
Dan |
10:53 am, February 09, 2007
Very snarky post, I like it.
Sounds like a charmer.
Posted by
Not Your Mama |
10:59 am, February 09, 2007
thanks mama! - dan, good observation!
Posted by
leftdog |
12:30 pm, February 09, 2007
Conservative politicians are full of bluster and rage aren't they? I remember once seeing a debate between Lorne Calvert and Elwin Hermanson. There was some Liberal there too, but I don't remember his name. All Hermanson did was yell and scream. When the political platform is failing just turn up the volume, I suppose.
Posted by
Forain |
3:28 pm, February 09, 2007
Great observation - sort of like a teenagers' garage band - if they lack skill and talent, just crank up the volumn!! Thanks!!
Posted by
leftdog |
4:09 pm, February 09, 2007
Hi Buckdog, don't forget to include Youtube:
John Baird
Posted by
Erik |
9:32 pm, February 09, 2007
And I love this action shot of Canada's Minister of the Environment
Posted by
leftdog |
10:35 pm, February 09, 2007