Canadian Military Probing Abuse Allegations
University of Ottawa law professor Amir Attaran lodged a complaint in a letter sent to the Military Police Complaints Commission last week.
"I discovered that on a single day last year (in April), a single interrogator working for the Canadian military brought three men to Kandahar Airfield," Attaran told Canada AM on Tuesday.
"All three of them had a similar set of injuries to their face, to their head and the most seriously injured man had his eyes swollen, cuts on his eyebrows, a slash across his forehead and a cut on his cheek."
Attaran said it seems the men never received proper medical attention before being handed off to the Afghans, never to be seen again.
He criticized the Canadian military for not having a mechanism in place to monitor what happens to released detainees.
Did you guys hire Rumsfeld or another of Bush's crew?
Posted by
TomCat |
3:58 pm, February 07, 2007
Gov't etc. Tenacious Treachery
Over a span of more than three decades, this provider has learned that there is nothing more treacherous nor more tenacious than our governments, their departments and their alleged services. The following is provided for those who wish to comprehend the extent of such treachery and the futility of anything less than a revolt and anarchy to effectively remove such deceptions from our lives.
No matter how many different theaters and ports of call, retired members of the CF and RCMP only learn after they have removed their uniforms and attempted to retire, in this country that they have served and risked their lives for, the extent of the above-referenced treachery. This veteran, while attempting to obtain the illusionary service of justice from various government departments and, finally from the Canadian Courts, has been recently notified by a solicitor of the Dept. of Justice (who represent the various government departments) that they expect to be spoon fed with all of the facts so that they will be in a better position to contradict the service that their department allegedly provides to the Canadian public. Such notification came yesterday just moments before an appointed justice entered the court room to allegedly both hear and (not in a biased manner) rule upon the case at hand.
That case at hand concerned contentions that this appellant had with the CRA dept. concerning legal expenses the appellant had with another government department (i.e., the Veterans Review and Appeal Board, VRAB) which were unjustly and illegally denied by that department. Just moments before the hearing commenced, the above-referenced solicitor approached this appellant demanding identification of the documents which the appellant intended to use in that hearing. That solicitor’s initial intimidating position was that these documents were not identified in copies of previous correspondence that she had received from the appellant, even though more than half of those same documents originated from her current client. After this appellant identified this lack in effective communication between herself and her current client, that solicitor apparently decided to keep her mouth shut about objecting to these documents being used in this hearing. More than 90% of the remainder of the documents that the appellant used in that hearing had been previously supplied directly to that solicitor’s client.
That same aforementioned solicitor pleaded that this appellant had not provided evidence which either contradicted her current client’s unlawful position on the matter nor supported the appellant’s position. This veteran recognizes that documentation is useless if presented to bodies who neither have the ability to read nor comprehend such documentation .... a fault which this veteran has observed in far too many rulings and judgements of government departments and Canadian Courts respectively to date. While possibly the previous justice assigned to that case was much more amenable to the appellant’s position, no doubt the ‘powers that be’ recognized this veteran’s position to be one which spelled instant political suicide and consequently behind the scenes arranged for an inexcusable replacement for that justice.
Recognizing that this veteran unsuccessfully continues to seek just retribution from another government department (i.e., the VRAB) to date, the awarding of any compensation by any and all Canadian courts of law will undoubtedly fall far short for this veteran who has lost his home, family and all of his possessions along with a significant degradation to his health given these government departments’ tenacious treachery.
lima echo oscar (keeping with the style of the treacherous)
Posted by
Brian Bradley |
6:38 am, June 19, 2009