What the hell is the 'New West Partnership Agreement' that 3 Premiers are sneaking around to sign tomorrow??
"As reported in the Regina Leader-Post on April 28, governments of Saskatchewan, Alberta and British Columbia are set to sign off on the New West Partnership by the end of the week. This interprovincial trade agreement is nothing but TILMA (the Trade, Investment and Labour Mobility Agreement) with a new name and all the same negative consequences for Saskatchewan.
Following broad public consultations on TILMA in 2007, the Saskatchewan government decided not to enter into the agreement with Alberta and BC. At that time – and on numerous occasions since – Premier Brad Wall and other members of the Saskatchewan Party promised not to sign TILMA, and pledged to consult with stakeholders and the public before signing any such an agreement. Despite those promises, it appears that the Premier is about to sign an agreement that nobody has seen and about which there has been no public consultation.
On April 22 the Council of Canadians and the Saskatchewan Federation of Labour, along with over 30 groups and individuals who participated in the 2007 TILMA review, sent an open letter to Premier Brad Wall calling on him to keep his promise to not sign TILMA and to undergo a legislative review and hold full and transparent public hearings on the issue before signing any interprovincial trade agreement. Our media release stated, “Saskatchewan was right to reject TILMA then, and it should reject a rebranded TILMA now … Nothing has suddenly changed to make lowest-common-denominator regulations and standards good for Saskatchewan. Nothing has suddenly changed to make giving corporations the right to sue elected governments for millions of dollars for ‘impeding trade’ – decided on by unaccountable dispute panels – suddenly a good idea for Saskatchewan.”
April 28, 2010
Council of Canadians
-Owls & Roosters has more ...
(This post NEEDS your vote)
So Brad would not sign it until he talked to the stakeholder's ;
The Citizens of Saskatchewan are the stake holders, not those who treat the Province and this Country like it is a Corporate entity, provinces are about the People not the businesses, this Corporate Bullshit has got to stop , before we are sold out to the Corporate bastards that are working towards total control of everything from resources to the people , of which who they will make into disposable slaves , it has already started , the WCB is a perfect example.
Posted by
k.w.m |
8:52 am, April 29, 2010
Whateer the deal is that is going to be signed, the very fact that Wall is tip toeing around tells me that this deal is NOT good for the citizens of Saskatchewan. It is al about more 'rights' for the corporate sector.
Posted by
leftdog |
9:09 am, April 29, 2010
For the past few years especially after Harper has moved onto Sussex Drive , the corporate rights have over shadowed the rights of Citizens, I knew Brad for many years before he became Premier, I can only conclude that there is a much higher agenda then his platform for election, and I do believe that this agenda was started years ago, it is just that at this time it is becoming more open and transparent as to the workings of a Corporate take over of our country, while those in charge benefit from it while the rest of Canadians become disposable slaves, maybe the futuristic war scenes from the movie "Terminator" are a sign of things to come.
Posted by
k.w.m |
9:20 am, April 29, 2010
If you spend some time researching the New West Partnership Agreement, you will see that its purpose is beneficial for all residents of Western Canada (reach larger markets for our resources, and eliminate barriers that currently may exist for trade between the western provinces). Its good to see that the 3 resource rich western provinces are banding together in these inititiatives. Might restore a long overdue balance of power within this country as a whole. Not necessarily a bad thing.
Posted by
Regina Stuff |
8:14 am, April 30, 2010
HUH?! .. "If you spend some time researching the New West Partnership Agreement.."
What the hell are you talking about? Cite what research is available for me to spend some time with! The Wall gov't will not answwer ANY questsions on the Agreement in or out of the Legislature.
What you just tried to do on my blog is classic MISINFORMATION ... putting it on me to somehow 'research' what you claim is a reasonable agreement!
Our idiotic and incompetent Sask Party government has brought down the cone of secrecy on this suspect deal.
Come on .. put your money where your propaganda is ... cite what 'research' is available on the deal!!!
Posted by
leftdog |
9:32 am, April 30, 2010
The whole agreement is available on the Gov website, hardly a "cone of secrecy". It took me less than a minute to find this.
Posted by
Ritewinger |
8:49 am, May 03, 2010